prove it then

36 6 1

morning came ..

capone: he up?

marlene: not yet i think

rosy: so you really took him out of private school?

marlene: it was for the best babygirl ok take your sister i got it here

she nodded and they left

marlene: go wake him up dad

capone: we turned a private school kid into a killer?

marlene: in a boss in the making ok calm down haha

capone: i think im gonna take him into the hood let him get some experience

marlene: huh i hate the idea but your right he needs it

capone: he'll be safe dont worry

he had walked in

lil stomper: talking shit?

capone: i was about to go wake your lazy ass up haha

marlene: did you knock out late?

lil stomper: yea let me just shower and change grandpa

capone: ok

he walked away

capone: hes stoned haha

marlene: i know i can see it let me talk to him

capone: no leave him alone its just weed its harmless if it gets bad then we'll talk

she nodded .. lil stomper got ready and they left

lil stomper: i didnt get an update on the bodys?

capone: they where found but connected to something else i paid the cops

lil stomper: thats cool so whats going down today?

capone: the killings of our biggest competitors from the bottom up has everyone in fear which is good .. so im gonna take you into the hood today

lil stomper: ok what for?

capone: your gonna see where your moms from and dad your gonna see where all the moneys made

lil stomper: im down to see but our shit is sold out here?

capone: its sold everywhere your gonna walk around and ill tell you who hasnt paid shit like that

he nodded

capone: im doing this so people wont think your just taking over

lil stomper: so you want me to dirty my hands even more?? 50 men aint enough?

capone: killing is easy kid they know you killed them but you actually walking the streets is different

lil stomper: dont worry i got it where to firt?

capone parked infront of a drug house

capone: i used to live in this house and i turned into a my main spot this is where people come and pick up .. go up and knock ask for bugsy

lil stomper: ok

he got down and walked up and knocked

bugsy: can i help you?

lil stomper: you bugsy?

he nodded

lil stomper: well im stomper the new jefe

bugsy: ah your mousies son? jr right ?

lil stomper: yea why you got an issue with it?

bugsy: no but the men you killed where pussies but come in let me show you the real shit

they walked into the house it was blacked out light over a table with bricks of cocaine and females counting cash on the other side

bugsy: your at the top this is the bottom yea your my boss but mousie used to move these bricks

lil stomper: look i get it i aint from the hood you think she chose this life for me? shit! i wanted to play football haha but they murdered my pops in cold blood .. look i want the fear back in the streets i want everyone scared of me .. they took my dad away from us they took my mothers happiness .. so i killed all those fuckers and ill kill anyone that trys me or doesnt fucking pay i aint taking any bullshit

bugsy: here take a taste of this kid

lil stomper: what for?

bugsy: so you know whats selling is good

he pulled out his gun and put it to bugsy head

lil stomper: i know its selling im not fucking stupid i might be young but i dont give a fuck ok ill kill you and repalce you fucking quick bug or whatever the fuck they call your ass

the females stepped back

bugsy: haha there you go stomper thats what you gotta do now take this attitude into the streets dont be nice to anyone it wont get you anywhere out here

he put his gun away

lil stomper: is there anyone giving you a hard time? not paying? i feel like letting some anger go

bugsy: some punks down the street robbed a homeless junkie for his meth this morning

lil stomper: the cholos by the corner store?

bugsy: yup 20 dollars worth

lil stomper: well there dead now let me know whos giving you any issues and ill deal with it

bugsy sat back and nodded

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