She looked at him, his face showed no emotion, his jaw was clenched tight, the sun was starting to show up from far, she relaxed when the car pulled through his street, he entered without even checking anything, the guards trembled, she couldn't blame them, he finally parked the car and pulled the hand break.
"Wait here".
It was a command.
She nodded, no room for argument, he got out of the car and slammed the door, she felt her heart jumping, she looked at him as he talked to one of the men, he was pissed, so pissed as hell, she pitied the man.
She unfastened her seatbelt as he approached and opened the door, he looked at her, anger and frustration in his eyes.
"I thought I told you not to get out of the damn car!".
"I just opened the door Ian".
"Damn it when will you ever do anything I tell you?".
She sighed and pushed him out of the way, she walked with her socks on towards the door hugging herself, she wasn't in the mood for his stupid mood, he called after her, she kept on walking.
She stopped and looked at him, oh dear Lord he was mad, so mad.
"Come here!".
"No Ian, I'm not going to let you treat me like a fucking child!".
"I said come here!".
"Go fuck yourself!", she yelled and went inside the house, she went to the sitting room and cuddled herself, she was so cold, her whole body shivering, a tear slid down her cheek, why is she even crying?.
She looked at Aaliya who had brought her coffee, she thanked him and drank some then cuddled herself to sleep on the couch, that stupid bastard can go to hell.

She woke up feeling lifted, she opened her eyes and saw him, she frowned.
"Where are you taking me?".
He didn't say anything, instead walked with her in his arms to his room, or so their used to be room, he opened the door and entered the placed her on the foot of the bed, he went down and started taking off her socks, she just looked at him, he reached for her pajamas and she slapped his hand away.
"I'm not going to have sex with you with that mood of yours!".
He shook his head, "Are you daring me?".
"I'm warning you Ian Vasiliev, keep your hands to yourself!".
He sighed and stood up, "Don't leave this room, I mean it, don't get your big ass outside or you'll be sorry".
"Are you daring me?".
"I'm warning you Karen Moretti" and he left
She sighed and pulled the sheets, time to sleep, everything will be okay when she wakes up.

She woke up hours later with an urge to pee, she saw all her stuffs arranged in the room, it was close to 3pm, she'd slept a lot, she went to the bathroom, the bathroom which carried so many memories, she couldn't even count the times she'd came in the bathroom, she cleaned up and decided to put on some yoga pants and her huge t-shirt, she then finger combed her hair, it's then that she realized that he'd changed the dressing table, and the bed and the furniture, she silently thanked God, those furnitures held so many memories.
She went downstairs to the kitchen and found Aaliya and new maids, they looked at her then at their feet, she frowned, strange.
"What's wrong?".
"Nothing ma'am, it's a rule they've adopted".
She rolled her eyes, "Did he tell you to do that?".
"No, his ex-wife ma'am".
She shook her head, "I'm hungry Aaliya, can I have some food?".
"Yes ma'am".
She went and sat at the kitchen bar and ate, alot of things went in her mind, she needed to check on her mother, what if she was looking for her?, she remembered that her phone is to Ian, she finished her food and went to his study, she knocked and when Koslov opened, she entered.
She sighed, "I'm not here to fight".
He smiled as he smoked then ordered Koslov to leave, she hugged herself and looked at him, he was sitting on his mahogany chair enjoying his pipe, she crunched her nose as the air hit her.

"Why do you smoke anyway?".
"You mean why have I picked up the habit again?".
"Whatever, I always told you it's poison, you're hurting the people around you".
He smiled, "You followed me here, I didn't".
She rolled her eyes, "Please don't do that in front of me, I hate it and you know it".
He cursed and unlit it then looked at her, she's still the most beautiful woman his eyes have ever seen, "So, what brings you here?".
"What's wrong Ian, you weren't like this yesterday".
He mussed his hair, "There is a rat in the house Karina".
She looked at him, "What do you mean?".
"The emails!, they were sent from this house, using my computer!".
She reached out to his large hands and engulfed her tiny ones with his, "Ian...are you saying someone from this house has been sending me the emails?".
He nodded and she suddenly saw the little boy she met years ago, the baby Ian, she went round and sat on his lap then hugged him, the big man, her best friend, she hugged him till she felt him relaxing, "Everything will be okay".
"No Karina, so long as I don't know who my betrayer is, everything isn't going to be okay, someone is going behind my back, someone I trust fully, someone who knows about us, about me, about you, someone is after you dusha moya and it angers me that I don't know them, that I can't keep you safe!".
She kissed his cheek, "Calm down Ian".
"I wish it was that easy, I forgive everything but not betrayal, and so God help me Karina, if I find him, I swear to God that they'll regret it!".
She just pulled him in a hug, no words could calm down his nerves right now, he was angry and just needed her presence, just that.

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