Chapter 2

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'Reg... Reg? Come on Reg, get up.' I clung onto my warm duvet as soon as I heard my sister's voice.


'Come on, it's almost four.'

'In the morning?' I groaned.

'No idiot, in the evening. How late were you up last night?'

Umm, 'Sometime after three.'

She yanked my blanket off over my head. 'Get up, I made you coffee and a bacon sandwich.'

'I love you.'

She smiled and sat on the edge of my bed, 'I know.'

I took a bite of my sandwich, there was cheese in it too. 'Cheese?'

'Thought it would taste nice with the bacon.' She shrugged.

I nodded through another bite, 'It's great.'

'Don't talk with your mouth open.' I rolled my eyes at Avalon.

'Yes mommy.'

She threw my Sponge-Bob pillow at me, the large yellow square hitting me in the face.

'Rude.' I glared at her.

'So are you.' She smirked back, her glasses almost falling off her face again.

I wanted to argue but she's right, annoyingly.

I noticed my sister was still in her pyjamas again, she looked almost ready to climb into bed right now. Her glasses kept slipping down her face, it was a little funny although sometimes I'm glad she wears them instead of contacts. It's one of the few ways people can use to tell us apart even though I think it obvious as soon as we talk. I'm mean and she's sweet.

'What were you doing all day while I was asleep?' I asked her.

'Just some school stuff.'

'School hasn't even started yet!' I groaned at her. We still have a week before the school year begins, we're both going into Gr12.

'Well, I kinda had a look on the internet and found some of my syllabus work.'

'Why didn't you ask me for help?'

'I don't want to fail. Duh.'

I threw a tiger striped pillow at her chest. 'Shut it. I'm smart.'

Avalon grinned and got up off the bed almost slipping on some of the pillows on my floor, 'Yeah yeah. Mom said she wants the kitchen and lounge all unpacked by the time she gets home. I've done the kitchen so you can unpack the lounge.'

I groaned, 'What do I have to do?'

'Plug in the TV and DVR, unpack mom's couch cushions and the ornaments. Shouldn't take too long, an hour or two maybe.'

'Damn it. How about a trade?' I asked hopefully.

'I'm listening.'

'Two slabs of lint chocolate if you do the lounge for me.'

'And you take me to get my belly button pierced.'

I raised an eyebrow, our dad had taken me when I was fifteen and mom was seriously pissed off, 'Mom will kill us.'

'Do we have a deal or not?'

My laziness overtook me, 'Fine, now shoo. I have Vampire Diaries to watch.'

Avalon rolled her eyes at me as I handed over my chocolate. I was saving that!

I ended up spending the rest of the day in my room watching TV, my mom let me have the extra flat screen TV that come out of our basement at the old house, or den, as my dad liked to call it. I'd mounted the TV on the wall across from my bed so I could be lazy and watch from my comfy bed.

My dad wanted me to stay with him, he hates the idea of me and my sister having a new Step-father. Funny thing is that all through the divorce my dad stayed at a hotel, refusing to come near my mom and Avalon, he said she "betrayed" him by taking my mom's side. I refused to take a side, I wouldn't even talk during the custody hearing unlike Avalon, she told the judge she wanted to stay with our mom.

I think that's the reason we ended up with our mother, the judge told us our father had the right to see us as long as we were willing to go but at least one of us has to spend some time with him because he was never proven an unfit father. Avalon hasn't seen him once in the year since our parents divorced, I've been twice. Once on his birthday and then during the wedding.

My mom and Robert will be back from their honeymoon tomorrow. Guess that means no more fun, I wonder how strict Robert will be? Avalon thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread but we'll see.

"If you think women are the weaker sex, try pulling the blanket back to your side." -Stuart Turner

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