Chapter 16

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We could already hear the party in full swing downstairs and it was almost eight, guess this is going to be a very late night. We headed down, Demi immediately went over to another girl from her grade and promised to see us later. Avalon and I stuck together, I know my sister isn't used to parties like I am and I don't want her to be unhappy.

We soon spotted Luke and Calum dressed up, Luke was in a fancy suit and Calum was in a bright green body suit, his face and hair were the only visible part of him.

'Oh god.' I got out between my laughter.

'What are you Calum?' Avalon asked.

He looked offended, 'I'm GREEN! Duh.'

'Of course you are, idiot.'

He rolled his eyes at me, 'Well I know you're Reggie.' I need to be polite if I want people to think I'm Avalon.

'Right, and what are you Luke? A Richie rich dude?' I joked.

His face dropped, 'The store didn't have any penguin costumes for anyone older than six so this was the closest I could get.'

I really couldn't help doubling over in laughter but Avalon quickly made me straighten up by reminding me of the shortness of my dress.

'So? Angels and Demons, huh?' Calum wiggled his eyebrows at us.

'It was an honest accident.' Avalon assured them.

'Hello ladies,' Liam had come up behind us in a batman costume. Let me just say that spandex does wonders for showing off his muscles.

'Hey, we're not invisible, ya know?' Luke said mockingly.

'No, of course not, sorry guys.'

'You're no fun Liam! We can't joke with you.' Calum moaned.

'My bad?' He seemed uncertain but turned back to Avalon, 'You look beautiful Avalon, an angle suits you perfectly.'

'How did you know it was me?' She asked, surprised.

'You bite your lip when you're nervous.' He said almost guiltily.

She blushed, 'I didn't realize.'

'Okay, you guys be all cute, I'm going to get a drink and find my step brother.' I winked at Avalon telling her I approved of Liam, 'Keep an eye on her Liam, anything happens to my sister tonight and I'll have your balls.' I smiled sweetly.

'No harm will come to her Reggie, I promise.' God, he sounds like a knight from one of those old Camelot movies.

'Good boy.'

I shot Luke and Calum a smile before heading off to my kitchen which was now filled with people, the breakfast bar was covered in liquor bottles and cliché red paper cups. Only Evan would buy those.

Speaking of the step brother from Mars, Evan was chatting up a girl with red hair and a very slutty bumble bee costume. I headed over to him with an evil smirk.

'Hey Evan, gotten rid of the hepatitis yet?'

The girl pales and looked between us for a second before very quickly walking away.

Evan swore, 'I hate you Reggie, I was so close to screwing her!' He whined at me.

'I guessed, that's why it's funny.' I pulled on the tie to his harry potter costume, 'You don't look good in potter glasses.'

'The girls think I do.'


'Hey if you think that's gross you should know that Zayn and I used to compete to see who could lay more girls.'

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