Chapter 5

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Hey guys, I'm baaaack! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long, but i have a great reason.


And also lack of motivation.

I'm so sorry, but here's part five.



(P.P.S. no, seriously, if people don't start commenting soon, I'm gonna just stop writing. As I said, lack of motivation.)

Violet's POV

Dash was getting ready for school. I was taking a gap year before my first year at college, so I had a LOT of spare time. I walked into the bathroom with my hairbrush, only to find Dash brushing his teeth. I didn't comment for a while, making him squirm in suspense. I've done it before, he's been shipped with many boys and girls (Because of me, of course.) I started brushing my long black hair, then wondered why exactly I had long black hair. Dad was blond, mom's was a weird shade of brown, almost auburn at times. Dad had told me before, as I'm firstborn, it might just have been something in the gene pool. Thank god it was. I tried a few filters, and GOD I look bad with blond hair. I decided to tease Dash a little, he was almost getting ready to spit.

"So, how's the roommate thing going?" I smirked. Dash coughed and spit out his toothpaste.

"WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE?!" Oh. I realized that I had probably turned invisible and not noticed. I should do that more often.

"I was here the whole time, were you too busy thinking about Vanellope to notice me? I'm hurt." I smiled slightly. I'm so subtle.

"Shut up, I have to go to school." he mumbled.

"Yeah, and you totally care about that. Mom and Dad sent me up here to say that you need to go to tutoring afterschool with Vanellope, seeing as she's never gone to school before." I shrugged at the lie. Mom would thank me later.

"What?! But I don't even have straight As! How am I supposed to tutor her?"

"That's another reason why you should be going. Be lucky your exchange student speaks English." I shuddered at the memory of my exchange student. He tried to hit on me, and Tony punched him in the face. They both got suspended. But only one is back in Mexico.

"Alright, alright, I'll go. But I won't enjoy it. Thank the gods that I don't have track today."

"Great! Bye, see you at breakfast. Wait-is Vanellope up yet?"I asked.

"I dunno." He shrugged and tried to walk out of the bathroom.

"Well, you'd better check, Dasheil."

"Nah, I'm hungry." I rolled my eyes at this comment. Boys. This boy in particular. I steered him towards his huge room (way to not spoil them while they're young, Deavor.) and pushed him in, then went to eat pancakes. I couldn't wait for this afternoon!

Vanellope's POV

I awoke to someone shaking me slightly.

"Hey, hey, V, wake up. We have to go to the torture chamber today." He said softly. I groaned. 

"Just...five more...hours." Now he groaned.

"Dude, we have tutoring and I still need to ask mom and Dad about it."

"I'm...not....a..morning...person." I flipped over on my side. He took that as an opportunity to blast an air horn in my ear. Don't ask me here he got it, but it could prove useful to a number of pranks. I screamed and fell out of the huge bed. "Was that really necessary?"

"I dunno. It was fun though. Hurry up and get ready, breakfast will get cold." He sauntered out of the room like he owned the place.

"Uh huh." I got ready super fast, because I am super fast. I reminded myself that I needed to get the map to school if I wanted to get there on time, while making a fabulous entrance with my also fabulous car.

(Sorry this is so short, I'll get to their first day of school next chapter.)

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