Chapter 3

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They arrived at the house-well, most would call it mansion, and Dash looked away from her just long enough for her to stow her car in her small luggage bag. Then she looked up.

"Sweet mother of monkey milk..." she murmured. Dash caught that comment, and laughed to himself. She found herself blushing, what as she thinking? She hadn't have used that expression for four or five years, why now? Maybe it was because he made her think of the good old days, where she didn't have to care. Did she have to care now?

Dash's POV

She said. Sweet. Mother. Of. Monkey. Milk. OH MY GOD that was cute. W-wait. What was he saying? He pretended to laugh slightly, because Violet told him that every action a boy makes gives a girl a chance to think about it. He had no idea whether or not this was true, of course, but it's worth a shot. After a few seconds of mental arguments on whether he liked her or not, he decided: to be continued. He cleared his throat. "Should we go in?"

"I dunno, it's your house." she shrugged.

"It's your house too, for a while." he shrugged back. 

"But what about your mom? Won't she get mad?"

"We're both fast, right? She won't know." he knew he had sold her, her chaperone said she liked trouble, mischief, and pranks just fine. Now was the time to test that. "'re too chicken."

"How do we get in?"she growled. Dash blinked and she was at the front door. 

"W-what? How the hell did you do that?" he gaped.

"I'm fast." she said simply. He gaped some more. Then he sped toward the door, at about 100 miles per hour. Now she had a turn to drop her jaw. 

"How-" she started. He held a finger up to her lips.

"You tell me your secret, I tell you mine. Inside first, though. Dad says I have to help ya unpack." he removed his finger, revealing a tomato face. He smirked. Violet was right. Ew, now he might actually have to listen to her. He said clearly to the door: "Dasheil Robert Parr. Open the door, please." On her confused look, he swept hair out of his face and explained: "Mom's boss, some guy called Deavor, his sister almost killed us all but we caught her and now she has to make tech for us. Me and Violet like her, she can be nice when she's not cursing under her breath. But no one is perfect, especially not supervillians. And Dad hates her. Only one person can be perfect. ME." He rushed. He sighed, thinking she would have him repeat it, but he really wasn't in the mood.

"That's cool. Where's my room?" she strode inside. Stunned, he followed her into his own house. 

"Um-you haven't heard, have you?" he asked uncertainly.

"Heard what?"she spun on her heel, almost directly in his face. 

" couldn't tell if you were a guy or girl, cause your name isn't very common here." Off her stare, he added: "Not that it's not pretty, but she just couldn't tell. So she, erm, volunteered my room for you."

"Oh, that's nice. But where are you gonna sleep?"

"You don't get it, huh? We're roommates."

"Roommates?!" she shrieked.

"Yeah, I was gonna tell you on the ride here, but I figured you couldn't hear me over the police sirens cause you broke the speed limit and possibly the sound barrier."

"That's fair." she took a deep breath. "T-that's fine, I guess. We can share, I won't make messes."

"Yes you will. And so will I." he grinned. "If we have to do this, let's have fun with it."

Vanellope's POV

Well, I have a roommate. Shank is going to die of happiness when I tell her, right after I murder her. AH DEAR GOD I'M FREAKING OUT!!! I let Dash show me to my-ugh-our room, which might have been a little less big than a room in the white house. It was huge. I could never hate it. There was only one problem. There was only one bed. Oh jesus they did NOT expect us to sleep together. Ah well, sounds like an awkward dinner convo for us! I decided to question Dash on how he was almost fast as her. 

"So. Care to explain?" I looked at him expectantly. I had to look up. That is embarrassing, that's usually never something she noticed or cared about, but this was Dash we're talking about.

He groaned " I hate explaining things, just FYI."

"This is more bragging than explaining, besides, I hear you're a bit of a show off." she smirked.

"I hate you. So I have superpowers. Super speed. Done, happy?" he smiled and made to reach for the door handle. She glitched in front of him.

"Actually, quite the contrary. Explain better." 

" Whatever. Mom and Dad were-well, are superheroes, mom can stretch and dad is strong, violet can turn invisible and make force fields, and jack jack has too many to count. So it runs in the family."

"Haha, I see what you did there. It runs in the family?" she laughed for a good thirty seconds, then noticed Dash was staring at her with a slight smile and a bit of pink on his face.

"Oh wow, I didn't even see that. Okay, your turn." 

Vanellope smiled too, she was a vivid storyteller and everyone told her so. Including Dash, when she was done telling all about the Racers, her game, Slaughter Race, Shank, Ralph, Yesss, her glitch, and she was sure to include the part where she basically saved the internet. When she was done, Dash told her she was a fantastic storyteller. That's a new one. But then, after an hour of chatting, Dash's cell rang. It was his mom. 

You're fast, too?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя