Verse/Ayah 3

98 13 1

Ayah 3

Lam yaLid wa Lam yuWlad (He did not give birth, nor was He fathered.)

Lam - past tense negation - forces a verb to become past tense.

Lan - future tense Negation.

Lam is used - Past tense removes all forms of birth associated to Allah in the past, and all these ideas of Allah having daughters who are angels (as the polytheists said), or that He has sons [Jesus, or Uzayr/Ezra] (as christians and some jewish sects in Medinah said) - removes their false claims.

Removal of past tense doubts removes all doubts - because the present doubts we have today have been repeated throughout history, so even if someone claims Allah has a son today - this had already been said in the past. So Allah has refuted such a claim by saying that it has never happened - He has never had a son.

Having a son implies you will have an equal, and that is not possible for Allah.

Allah says;

[He is] Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son  when He does not have a companion [sahibah] and He created all things? And He is,  of all things, Knowing. [al An'am 6:101]

How can Allah have a son when He does not have a Sahiba (wife, Spouse, Associate)? 

One word for wife is Sahibah, and another word is Kufuw. And this word is mentioned in ayah 4 of this surah. Allah does not share attributes with His creation.

If you are born - you had a beginning. Which mean's you are not eternal, so you are not Divine/God.

Reasons why people commit Shirk [association of Partners with Allah]

Argument: Even if a judgement did occur, we have intercessors (angels, saints etc) to hide behind between us and Allah.

This is the psychology of Shirk (associating partners [with Allah]) because a person may do whatever he wants of disobedience to Allah, but  then he wants to hide behind someone close to Allah to protect him from  Allah's anger. This person will even try to please and overpraise that  intercessor, so that the intercessor will intercede in favour of his  case in the court of Allah. Little do these people know that Allah will forgive who He wills on that Day, and this is the sin that Allah does not forgive (of shirk).

The One who everyone turns to, as-Samad. So you do not need to place am'son' or idol between you and Allah

Turn to Him alone, because He is as-Samad - the absolute One to be turned to.

This removes people's need to turn to anyone else besides Him

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