The dark

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You stumbled around in the leaves and grass. You honestly didn't know how you ended up here, and you wish you did, but there was no denying how much you're we're afraid of why you were here or how. This planet was a place you'd never seen before. Letting out a yelp as you nearly tripped over a vine, you had noticed that it was getting dark.

"Oh no." you quickly started to walk faster and try to at least find something for shelter. You came across a large tree with a little hollow in the bottom 'perfect' you thought and crawled into it.

It was now night time. You felt so cold, hugging yourself for warmth wishing you could go into your warm bed at home. But where even was home. You suddenly jumped at spotting a significant figure in the trees just outside of the tree. A red light then shone through the opening, and you gasped in fright. Pulling yourself closer, you watched as the light traveled to your foot, aiming directly at it.

A loud thump was given attention to as a tall figure landed in front of your hiding place though you couldn't see it. The creature had poked its head right at the front of the entrance of your hiding spot, now looking at you, it sent a shiver down your spine.

It began to move it's scaled clawed arm into the tree as it tried to grab your ankle. Letting out a sigh of relief, you calmed down slightly as the creature seemed not to be able to catch you from being too big. 'is it gone?' you thought as you noticed the being was no longer there. You calmed down and let out a sigh of relief, thinking it was gone. You were wrong.

A beam of light was seen at your right, looking like a bullet as the tree began to fall. Screaming, you ran. You knew that you were athletic, back home you are known as the fastest runner in your country as you had earned many trophies and ran 2 miles every day for exercise. But this thing, this being, this creature, was faster than you. You practically hear it run and jump through the trees at an inhumane speed.

You had come to a clearing as there was a little lake about the size of two trucks and a small waterfall coming from above, somewhere. You could hear the creature coming closer, and you had as quietly as possible hopped into the water.

A muscular image of a being with long dreads and a metal mask covering its face had entered your blurry vision from the water. It looked around for a bit, looking for you, hunting you, looking in the water a few times but unable to see you, luckily. You wouldn't be able to hold your breath for much longer. The alien had left you thought, seeing no sign of it anywhere as you had popped your head above the water.

Breathing heavily, you laid on your back after being in the cold water for at least fifteen minutes. You propped yourself up against a tree, "Fuck my life!" you said, sarcastically still catching your breath.

You were suddenly pinned to the ground with a hand against your throat and a knee against your chest.

It found you.

They want you (2010 predators x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now