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*note: this one is SUPER short, like 100 words or so, sorry but I just--I had to write this*

It was a peaceful winter's morning. Yes, peaceful. Nothing could ruin the peace that dawned upon the city that morning. Absolutely nothing.

Oh, except for that.

The spiky haired lawyer was awoken from his desk by Maya, his best friend, screaming his name. Phoenix got up and tiredly walked to the room that the sound came from.

"Maya, it's 5am...how are you even awake right now... And why are you still at my house-" he cut he sentence short at what he saw before him. He raised an eyebrow "so, uh... You gonna explain why you're standing on top of the table?"

Maya stood frozen, her gaze affixed to the ground below her "Nick, t-there's a... T-there's a-"
Phoenix followed her eyes down to a spot on the ground. There, he saw something huge, with eight legs and a murderous stare.
"SPIDER!!!" he didn't hesitate to join maya on the table top, both hugging each other for dear life.
"Nick, what are we gonna do? I'm only 19, I'm too young to be stuck on a table for the rest of my life!!!
"I-I think I have an idea..!" he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. Maya recognised who he was Calling. When he picked up, they spoke in unison.

"Dude... Its like practically midnight-"

One floor above, a young magician dressed in blue was trying to get some sleep, wondering why her daddy was making so much noise that early in the morning.

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