stitch cant sleep

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One night I was sleeping, then stitch walked into my room

Stitch: um, thad

I woke up

Me: what's wrong

Stitch: i-i cant sleep

Me: let me guess, another nightmare

Stitch: no

Me: oh, ok, well come here, maybe I can help

The little guy ran up to me and jumped up to my bed, and hugged me, while I picked him up baby style

Me: so what did your original family do to help you fall asleep

Stitch: well, they would read me a bedtime story

Me: oh.......uh...........Is it ok if i TELL you a story instead

Stitch: sure

Me: ok then, let's see...................oh I got one, once a pon a time

After the story.......

Me: the end

I said as I saw the little guy sleeping In my arms, I whent under the covers with him in my arms and I too whent to sleep

((OLD)) my little stitch Where stories live. Discover now