"And Dean is no help," she complained. She had noticed in the last few weeks that while Sam helped a lot in trying to find Quinn and John in their spare time. Dean hardly did anything to find them. He only worried about whatever case they were on at the time.

"That's because Dad told him not to try to find him and to only worry about saving people. Keep up with the family business," he explained. "And once Dad gives him an order, he has to follow it. He never goes against Dad."

Nodding her head, she remembered her talks with Dean two years ago- it was obvious he looked up to his father. In Dean's eyes, John could do no wrong; he felt like John had a good reason for everything he did, which was something Sam didn't agree with.

"Speaking of Dean, I haven't heard any screaming or seen any claw marks lately; does that mean you two are getting along now?" Sam leaned back in his chair, waiting for her answer.

Thinking of how to respond, she made a face and tilted her head back and forth for a moment. "Hm, I wouldn't say getting along...more like we tolerate each other."

Nodding his head at the answer, he was silent for a minute. "Hey, I have another question."

"Okay, shoot," she said.

"Why does Dean walk in the other direction anytime you're holding anything with ice in it?" he asked with an amused look on his face.

Mackenzie threw her head back, letting out a loud laugh at his question. With her dimpled smile still in place, she opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, there was a light knock at the door. Standing up, she walked over to the door, then after glancing in the peephole, she opened the door to let Dean in.

"Hey." Dean walked into the room and made his way over to the table, then plopped down in a chair across from his brother. "Find a case yet?"

"No, we're still looking." Sam turned his attention back to the laptop.

"You got anything to drink in here?" Dean asked, his voice a bit groggy from sleep. When there was no answer, he turned his head to look at Mackenzie, finding her staring at him while deep in thought.

She didn't know what came over her, but seeing him in his wrinkled clothes, bed head and hearing the sleep still evident in his voice, she couldn't stop her thoughts from going back to two years ago when she woke up beside his sleeping form in the bed.

She remembered watching him sleep for a bit and feeling like she was on cloud nine, then her mood quickly vanished as she worried what them sleeping together meant to him. She was worried it was nothing but a fling to him- just another notch on his belt. A frown appeared on her face as she thought that maybe she was right back then, maybe she was just a one night stand to him.

Hearing him call out her name, she blinked her eyes, coming out of a daze and seeing both of them looking at her. She lowered her eyebrows in confusion, wondering what she missed. "Huh? What?"

"I asked if you had anything to drink," Dean repeated himself.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I have water, beer, coke-"

"I guess I'll take a coke." With all the weirdness between them, what he really needed was a beer, but figured Sam would give him a hard time for having one so early in the day.

Nodding her head, Mackenzie stood up and walked over to the mini refrigerator to pull out a bottle of coke. Making her way across the room, she held out the bottle to Dean.

"Thanks." Dean grabbed the bottle with one hand while running his other hand through his unruly hair.

Watching him for a moment, she bit her bottom lip, her fingers itching to brush through his soft hair. When he cut his eyes up to look at her, a smug smile on his face, it brought her out of the trance he had her under.

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