03. The Bane of his Existence

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The fateful day had arrived, and Anne Shirley Cuthbert had found a newfound respect for the concept of time. It didn't matter how it was kept track of; she mused, it passed of its own accord. Anne had laid awake the entire night, begging time to move by slower. Simply slower enough for her to figure out a way to get herself out of this mess. Time, however, did not comply. It ticked by unfeelingly.

The poor red-headed girl dragged herself out of bed.

There is no point in trying to look presentable for a boy as conceited and coniving as Gilbert Blythe, Anne reassured herself. Attempting to follow this newfound mantra, she put on her simplest dress. No puff sleeves. No frills. A simple beige linen dress. Anne felt that she looked dreadfully plain and boring in this dress, but if that was what it took to make Gilbert leave her alone, then so be it. She decided against putting her hair into braids, as she figured that that made her look as if she had put in effort to her appearance as well. Instead, she left it down, the loose curls cascading down her back, though they were still messy from a sleepless night. Anne crinkled her nose.

I look positively awful. Good. Anne thought and nodded her head to affirm her decision. With a final glance in the mirror, she headed out of her room and bounded down the steps two at a time.

"Anne Shirley Cuthbert, where are you going looking like that?" Marilla inquired before Anne could slip out the front door with the pie. "I know you're not going over to Bash and Gilbert's home looking like that. At least fix your hair, child!"

Anne carelessly smoothed her hair down with her hands before heading back to the door once again. She hoped that if she arrived at their home early enough they'd all still be asleep. It was only five in the morning, after all.

"Goodbye Marilla!" Anne said hurriedly as she went to shut the door behind her.

"Anne, if you have any sense-"

That was the last thing she heard before she was running down the dirt path.


"You will only deliver the pie and remind them of our plans for supper, nothing more. Be monotonous and firm." Anne pleaded with herself. This seemed to be a hard task for the energetic girl to follow. She knocked on the wooden door once, barely loud enough to be heard above the chirping of the birds. Anne smiled to herself as she figured her original plan had worked; they probably weren't even awake at all! She would simply leave the pie on the steps and make sure the cloth was secured over it, and then she could leave. As she went to do so, her cheery mood was interrupted by the opening of the door.

"I said it's alright. I've got it Mary, just make sure Delphine goes back to sleep," Gilbert called over his shoulder. He looked startled once he saw Anne at the door, but he quickly regained his composure. "Oh, Anne. Hi." Gilbert still couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked standing there, with not a care in the world. Her long red hair fell down her back in curls. Even though her dress was plain, it just drew more attention to her outstanding features.

Anne cleared her throat, unsure of why she felt so nervous all of a sudden. There was nothing meaningful about this encounter whatsoever.

"Hello, Gilbert. I trust that you're well." Anne said more out of politeness than anything else. She knew Marilla would be upset if she wasn't at least polite, but Anne wouldn't have been rude anyway. Not now at least.

"Yes, I'm doing...fine. And you?" He responded with a brief nod. Anne only nodded in return. She couldn't bring herself to speak. Her feet were firmly rooted on the floor. "Alright then...did you wish to speak to Bash or Mary?"

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