First Day Of Work

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"Don't hit me!" Cheryl said in a panic voice. "Please!" She added in a heartbeat as she pulled Toni's hand away.

And in that moment, Toni's eyes went wide. W-What the? She thought as she looked into Cheryl's eyes and saw nothing but pain and panic. "How could you think that I would ever lay a hand on you, Cheryl?" She asked softly. "Cheryl."

The redhead panicked as she started to try to walk away But Toni held her closely. "Leave me, please Toni. Let me go."

"Cheryl, answer me, please. Tell me how could you think I would ever lay a hand on you." She asked again softly.

"Why did you come here Toni? All I wanted was to be away from you." The redhead asked helplessly.

"Why do you want to be away from me?" Toni asked confused.

Because I am falling for you hard and my best friend has feelings for you. "Because I can't be near you. Please."

John knocked on the door causing both women to look at him. "Excuse me but I think we need to get started with the tour for Ms. Cheryl."

The brunette looked at the redhead and sighed as she saw the redhead was still panicked. "Can we get a cup of coffee for Cheryl before we start? What do you think Cheryl?" She asked gently, she then smiled when she saw Cheryl nod. "Come on, let's go sit and wait for the coffee."

After about half an hour, Toni, Cheryl, and John were walking around the factory as the manager was showing the redhead where and how do they produce wine.

It was twelve PM back at the mansion, Elissa was feeding her son when Veronica entered the room. "Hey tough guy," She said with a smile. "Remember the test we did after you ate breakfast?" When she saw Jacob nod, she continued. "We are going to have to do it again."

"You're giving me an injection again?" He asked as he dropped his smile and looked at his mother with sad eyes,

"Didn't you tell me that it didn't hurt this morning?" Veronica asked playfully.

Jacob shrugged. "I was lying." He said with a giggle causing also the nurse and the maid to laugh.

"You are a strong dude, do you know why?" When the boy shook his head she continued. "Because you didn't let me know that you were in pain." She said with a wide smile. "Now all we have to do is teach mommy how to take your blood sugar."

Elissa's eyes went wide. "T-T-Teach who?"

"Teach mommy," Veronica said again glaring at the maid. "Elissa, I showed you today how to do it."

"B-But I can't."

"I can't always be here for you guys, you should learn how to do it," The nurse said firmly hoping that Elissa wouldn't cause trouble because of her hesitance.

Elissa sighed and nodded, suddenly the doorbell rang. The housemaid was about to stand up and go open the door but Veronica spoke. "Sit, feed your boy while I go check who is it." She said gently as she left the room. Thinking it was Toni who was at the door she grinned and sprinted to the front door.

As she opened the door, her eyes went wide when she saw Gina and Liza standing by the door. What are they doing here? She thought as she cleared her throat. "Come in." She said politely as she moved to allow the two women to enter.

"Where's my niece Toni?" Gina asked as she entered the living room.

"She's not here."

"When is she going to come back?" Liza asked the nurse.

"I don't know," Veronica asked shrugging.

"And where is Cheryl?" Gina asked again.

"She has some work to attend to, as soon as she finishes she will come home."

This Isn't Me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora