Before I can continue to draw, my mom walks in and hands Aj his phone while saying, "Your new curfew is eight o'clock. Unless he needs you back home sooner."

Aj looks at my mom bewildered and says, "How'd you get him to do that? I've tried so many times."

"I have my ways. One parent to another," my mom said with a sly smirk on her face.

Aj smiles slightly, "Well, thank you anyways."

"It's fine, no need to thank me. Oh, question."


Now she's also looking at me and saying, "Did either of you eat while you were there?"

"No, we just had a couple snacks. Mostly because we didn't know what time it was or if we should be eating dinner." I tell my mom.

"Now that explains why we were so hungry," says Aj. Me and my mom just give him weird looks before all three of us are laughing again. Today is just full of laughs, isn't it.

"Well, you two can help yourselve to whatever you want if you're still hungry for dinner. Or if you have something you want me to make, speak now or forever hold your peace." my mom says when we've all stopped laughing and are still smiling.

"Oh, can you make picadillo for empanadas?" I ask, beaming with new excitement.

She laughs and says, "Sure, why not. I'll call you two in when it's done." With that, she turns around and walks out of my room.

Aj looks at me questioningly and asks, "What's picadillo?"

"It's chopped beef with vegetables and jalapeños," I tell him, still excited. "It's my favorite to put in empanadas."

After I say that, I go back to my drawing, which is apparently a wolf howling. Huh.


It took about half an hour for my mom to be done cooking. Took about an hour for us to finish eating because we were eating at the couch, watching TV, making it around 7:40-ish.

Being how late it was, my mom asked Aj, "Do you want me to drive you back home? I don't mind"

"Are you sure?" he asked back.

"Yeah, it's not problem."

"Okay then. Thank you."

She just simply shakes her head and says, "Again, no need to thank me. You're one of Ashy's friends. I don't mind."

I let out a small growl, and yes, I did say growl. I'm a werewolf, don't forget.

"Oh hush you, I'm your mother. I can call you Ashy if I feel like it."

When she says that, I just look back at the TV, while pouting a little bit.

"Well anyways, I'm still gonna say 'thank you'. I don't care what you say," Aj says with a slight smile.

"Fine, I guess I can't stop you. I just won't say anything back when you say 'thank you' then," she's also smiling.

"I'm fine with that."

My mom looks at me and asks me, "Are you coming with?"

"I don't know," I then look at Aj, "Do you even want me to go?"

   "Yeah," he says to me like he's confused, "Why wouldn't I?"

   "I don't know. Ignore my stupidity."

   "Welp," my mom said while jumping up off the couch, "let's get going then. To the car."

   Me and Aj get up laughing and head for the door, after my mom.

   When we get to the car, I let Aj sit up front with my mom and I sit in the middle seat in the back. The drive takes about 15 minutes.

   "This is it," Aj tells my mom when we're in front of his house and he's unbuckling himself.

   "Got it," said my mom while stopping the car. "Will I see you again, or was this the only time I'll see you?"

   Aj opens the car door and steps out. Before closing it he answers my mom, "I don't know, that's up to Ashy. Bye. Thanks again for dropping me off." He then closed the door and started walking to his house.

   It didn't even occur to me that he, yet again, called me Ashy.

   A/N{Hey people! Sorry for the late update today. It's only because, and don't get mad at me, I kinda.....sorta.....forgot to write this chapter. I literally just remembered late last night that I had this story to write and I started panicking because I knew that if I didn't upload this chappie, I'd have an angry NerdyCookie_15  and Tiarosestar0120 to deal with. So, sorry if this one's a little more crappy than the rest. Have a nice rest of the day everyone!}
                                                         <3 Ashy

Word count: 1,383

The Changes that Were Made (discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя