A Trip Home (After a Grimm Warning)

Start from the beginning

Bree got up and walked up to the front counter and the young waitress behind the counter lent her her charger and Bree walked back over to the table. Bree plugged in the cord and plugged it into her phone.

"Let's wait for my phone to charge, and then I'll call my mom. Which I am dreading."

"Me too," Emmerich said.

"So, which person shocked you the most?"
Bree asked.

"The frogman and the French soldiers," Emmerich said. "The frogman was probably the nicest thing or person I have ever met though."

"Me too. But I can't stop thinking about Bo-peep and how she died from a broken heart." Bree said. "That dumb man! All she wanted was to help him and he killed her."

"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever forget her. She was definitely amazing. I can't believe Red hated her that much."

"Yeah me too. But Red sure was...interesting." Bree said and tried not to laugh. "The Charming Brothers and the Queens were amazing. Some of the nicest people I have ever met and their daughters were the sweetest. Definitely sweeter than my sisters.  Plus Goldilocks and Jack were so awesome and that was nice of them to teach us some moves.  This is definitely a trip I will never forget."

"Do you think we'll ever go back?" Emmerich asked.

"I hope so," Bree said. Her phone then went off. A million and a half text messages lit up her phone. They were from her friends, parents, sisters and other family members. Bree then looked at her map on her phone and her suspicion was confirmed. They were in Las Vegas Nevada.

"Are all those texts from your family?"

"Yeah," Bree said and scrolled through her phone. "Guess it's time to make the call."

Back in Willow Crest California, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were pacing up and down their living room waiting for a call from the police.

"Anything yet?" Mrs. Campbell asked.

"No nothing." Mr. Campbell said and looked at his phone.

"Oh, Edward! What if something happened. What if this wasn't just Bree running off. What if they did get kidnapped?" Mrs. Campbell said through tears. "Are we ever going to see our girl again?"

"Of course we will. We just have to hope and pray they're all right." Mr. Campbell said and hugged his wife tightly as she cried into his shoulder. There was then a knock on the door. Mrs. Campbell rushed to the door and opened it. It was Charlotte and Bob.

"Did you guys hear anything yet?" Charlotte said and walked in with Bob.

"No nothing yet. This is ridiculous. How have the police not found anything yet?" Mrs. Campbell said and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"I'm not sure, but I know after this Conner is in huge trouble and I'm getting a tracking device," Charlotte said.

"How about getting your kid a phone?!" Mrs. Campbell said. "We'd have double the chance to track them!"

"I know, I know," Charlotte said and sat on one of their barstools in the kitchen.

"Guys we just have to wait and see. Maybe the cops will call today." Bob said. Just then Mrs. Campbell's phone rang. "Or maybe right now."

Mrs. Campbell grabbed her phone from the living room and she screamed.

"It's Bree!" She yelled and everyone ran over to her and huddled around her. She answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Baby?"

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