Diabetes And A Doctor?

Start from the beginning

"Buddy, listen to me. If Josie is walking down the street, men will look at her, and if she is working, men will also look at her."

"When she's dancing, it's different Toni. I can't let it happen, but at the same time, I can't let her walk out of the house. I don't know if I can continue my life without her." He said with a sad voice. "Yesterday, I came home to find her dancing while she was wearing her old belly dance dress. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her Toni. Do you know how long it's been since I've seen her dance?" He said as he shook his head. "She looked like the Josie I first met, the eyes that I fell in love with, I saw them yesterday. It really has been a long time since I've seen her like this."

Toni looked at her best friend with sad eyes. She knew how hard is it for Josie to leave the job she loved but on the other hand, she couldn't help it to see her best friend so broken. "Pea, She isn't happy. She feels like she is not living anymore."

Sweetpea nodded. "I know. The one who was dancing yesterday isn't the same one I am living with. Josie now is living just for the sake of Mark. Can't you see Toni? I know she's hurt but I am not saying anything about it. But I can't, I can't let her dance again. What will people say?"

"Why do you care about what people think Pea?!" Toni exclaimed. "What will people do to you if your wife left you? Will they help you?"

"Look, I know how you think and I know you think that I am a closed-minded guy, but put yourself in my shoes, if your wife wanted to dance what will you do?"

"If I loved her while she was still a dancer, why would I be embarrassed that she is still dancing?" Toni replied. "You loved her while she was a dancer, you love Josie because she dances, and she is Josie because she dances. Think of it this way, if you stopped her from dancing, you are living with the a Josie that doesn't dance, in other words, she is a different person."

"I already understand what you said, but I can't Toni. I can't let her leave the house and I can't let her go back to belly dancing and I can't also see her hurting!"

Toni sighed. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Anyways, how are you?" He asked changing the subject.

"I wish I never stayed here man. I want to go back to Canada, to my house, to my bed, I want to feel relaxed. Things with Cheryl are still complicated, I don't understand what happened in the house. Why is she like this? Why is she so such a complex person?"

Back at the mansion, Cheryl hugged Jason as she sat beside him. "What's wrong? You never visit me without your Betty."

Jason sighed. "Dad figured that we were here with mom yesterday."

"W-What? How?!" Cheryl asked shocked.


After driving back from the mansion, Jason, Betty and Penelope were entering their house when they saw Papa B sitting in the living room and his face was red. "Where were you?" He asked as soon as the trio joined him in the living room.

"I was at work." Betty tried to lie.

"Really?" Papa B asked. "That's why when I called your office they told me you took a day off huh?" Then he turned to Jason and Penelope. "What about you guys?"

"W-W-We were..." Jason trailed off.

"You went to her didn't you? You asked her for money?" Papa B asked accusingly. "Listen to me the three of you. If you take even one cent from Cheryl, you'll all see something you won't like. Am I clear? I don't want anything from her!" He yelled in anger. "I don't want that bastard's money! Let her keep them!" He said as he left the living room and stormed out of the house.

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