Chapter Forty Three

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The end of term was getting ever closer. The children sat their end of year exams, and did well enough to make their parents proud.

Sophia was almost tackled on her way to her last lesson of Herbology by an over excited Daniel.

"I got a letter from my parents!" He exclaimed. "They say that I'm allowed to come back to school next year. They're going to thank your Father in person, but they've asked me to thank your brother for the tip off."

Sophia smiled at her friend. "I'm so happy for you." She said. "If you want, I can pass on your parents' gratitude to Adam."

"Okay." Daniel nodded. "Speaking of which... Are they back yet? Your Father and my Aunt?"

Sophia shook her head. "Not yet, but Dad thinks they will be soon. John's trial is today, so hopefully if everything goes to plan they should be back a couple days before the end of term. Speaking of which... I know it's annoying that we have to pretend like you had very little to do with getting John arrested, but it has to stay that way. If my Father ever found out that the evidence was planted..."

"You don't think Adam and I did anything wrong, do you?" Daniel asked, concerned.

Sophia sighed. "I don't think so, no. It was unethical, but at the same time, so was John. I think if you hadn't have done what you did, and just allowed them to search the place without the stuff being moved, the evidence would've finally linked back to John. But before that would've happen, I think the situation would've gotten even worse. Every Horned Serpent student would've felt like they were being harassed, and the whole thing would've been dragged out and messy as my Father would've had to have treated everyone in your house as suspects, including yourself. I doubt your parents would've allowed you to return to school."

Daniel nodded. "Okay well... I'll see you around Sophia."

Sophia smiled at the boy.

- - - - -

Sophia walked calmly across the grass, not fearing getting her shoes muddy as the ground had been baked hard under the summer sun. She watched from afar her brother up in the air on his broom, and felt a surge of pride for him.

As she came closer, eventually, he spotted her and flew over, landing with soft thud a few feet away from where she was standing. He smiled at her.

"You alright there, Sophia?"

"Just came over to see how you are." She said.

Adam's smile brightened. "All the better for not having to answer to that bully."

There stood in a comfortable silence for a few seconds.

"Daniel's parents wanted to thank you for the tip off..." She let the sentence trail.

"It's over now, we don't have to worry about it. Hopefully now Father won't have to have so much to do with our education any more."

"It's been nice seeing him throughout the year though, hasn't it?"

Adam's smile didn't leave his face but his tone stiffened. "Not entirely, no."

Neither of them had to say any more to know what the other was thinking about.

"He didn't mean what he said. He was just angry and hurt. And anyway, none of that matters anymore because he knows that you were forced into doing all of those things." Sophia tried to sound comforting.

"Either way he still went too far."

"Can't we just put it behind us, now? We should be celebrating."

Adam smiled gently. "I look forward to returning here next year."

- - - - -

A few days later Percival walked with purpose up to his family, and bundled them into his arms.

"It's sorted." He said, voice muffled with his face pressed into Credence's shoulder. He took a step back. "That kid won't be out for at least five years."

Sophia gasped. "Five years? Isn't that a bit too much?"

"MACUSA doesn't take lightly to those who share similar interests with Grindelwald. Better to be harsh and stamp it out than risk something like that again." He turned to Adam. "I never got to ask... Who won the quidditch final?"

Adam scoffed. "We did. Obviously." He then let out some sort of strangled noise as Percival wrapped his arms around him and lifted him off of his feet.

"I know that I don't tell you this enough, but I am so proud of you." Percival said, putting Adam back down again. "I'm sorry for doubting you before."

Adam just shrugged, blushing as he looked at the ground and didn't say anything.

"Now there's still someone I need to deal with." Percival spoke again, walking past his family and deeper into the school. "I'll catch up with you guys later." He called back over his shoulder.

- - - - -

Percival marched into Blackrose's office again without knocking, and smirked at the look of disgust on the other man's face.

"Get out of my space, Percival." The man growled.

"How's the nose? Can't be doing too well after both my daughter and I gave you what you deserved."

Indeed, Blackrose's nose was not swollen or bruised in any way due the ability of magical healing, however it was now incredibly crooked after being broken twice.

"You think you're so smart, don't you, Graves?"

"I am smart. You're just a sore loser." Percival smiled. "Now get off of the school premises."

"Oh is that all you want from me, is it?" This time it was Blackrose who was smiling.

"Yes. You have acted terribly this academic year, and from the rumours my daughter has told me, you've been bullying students since long before. I want you out of this school. There is no place for you here."

"But Graves, you're very much mistaken. You see..." Blackrose stood up and pulled a sheet of parchment out of his desk drawer. "I had a feeling that you'd come to me with this kind of intention, so I had someone do some digging for me. Some asking around."

"Where is this going?" Percival asked, beginning to grow suspicious.

"Why don't you tell me?" Blackrose handed the parchment to Percival to read. "This is from the board of governors who, need I remind you, are appointed by the government."

- - - - - - - - - -

Only one more chapter left!

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