Chapter Thirty Three

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Time seemed to pass very slowly in the weeks following the discovery about Adam. Sophia hadn't spoken to him since it had happened and, sensing tension from all sides, Adam threw himself into his quidditch, which in his mind was the only reason he wasn't leaving the school and going home.

Sophia was surprised to be called back after class by Professor Thrain.

"I'm sorry for the divide that this must be causing between your family." She began tentatively. "But I heard that your Father came in to school to speak with your brother about the issues that I raised. Is this true?"

Sophia nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that I was hoping that if that were true, I might find a change in Adam's actions."

Sophia was taken aback. "Do you mean there's been no change?"

"Your brother still isn't even coming to class. And there was me hoping he might rewrite all of the homework assignments he ruined."

"I'm sorry." Sophia said, taking a step backwards towards the door. "I need to go."

Sophia fled from the room as fast as she could and ended up running straight into someone. Not bothering to apologise, she was content on continuing forward and leaving- not even knowing where she was headed, just knowing that she had to leave- before she was brought back to reality by the sound of someone calling her name.

"Sophia, please talk to me."

Sophia turned on the spot, still in a daze, and locked eyes with Daniel.

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but I can't right now."

"Why? You look upset. Please, just talk to me. After everything you did on Halloween, trying to cheer you up is the least that I can do."

Sophia hissed at the mention of Halloween. "Please don't talk about that night again."

"Why?" Daniel appeared taken aback. "Oh... Is it because you got into trouble with Professor Blackrose? David told me all about that."

"Yeah? Well he shouldn't have." The remark came out sounding harsher than Sophia had meant it to. She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, but I've got a lot going on right now."

"Is this about Adam?" He asked.

"How do you know about that? Oh I mean I suppose you heard about my Father coming in to talk to him."

"No. I mean, yes I did hear that. But I mean that I've known that something's been up with Adam for a while now."

"What? Why didn't you say something before?"

"Well, for a start I just assumed that you already knew. I thought that if there were a problem that you would be the first person he would talk to. And anyway, it's not as though we are the closest of friends."

Now Sophia felt guilty. Guilty for continuing to push Daniel away even after she had promised David to be better with him and feeling guilty for not even realising that there was something wrong with Adam for a while. She thought back to the Christmas holidays, and how he had been then, and what her parents had said about the matter. She now knew that there was more to the story which, hopefully, Daniel could help with.

"What do you know that I don't, then? And how do you know it?"

Daniel had a look of mixed befuddlement and sympathy on his face. "I've shared a common room with him for the past seven months, remember? Anyway, he's been having trouble with his quidditch team. John, in particular. I don't know if it's a joke gone too far, or something along those lines, but I would guess from what I've seen that Adam is being forced into all of this No-Maj hating stuff by them. He seems uncomfortable whenever they start talking about it, spouting rubbish and showing off, see? They like to pick on me especially, what with me trying out for the team and not getting in, and the fact that I'm a Half Blood. Sometimes, it goes a bit far, and they try to bully him into bullying me, cause he's the youngest on the team. Only issue is, when he tries to refuse, his place within the team is questioned. Severely."

Sophia felt her breath catch in her throat. "Have they hurt him?"

"Not yet. But it looks like a possibility. Especially after they've had a few fire whiskies."

"Have they hurt you?"

"Not too much. But again, I fear that may change."

Sophia thought for a long moment. "I'm sorry, Daniel. I should've been kinder to you. I had no idea that you were going through all of that. If I had, I wouldn't be half as cold to you as I have been."

Daniel smiled sadly. "But you did know, Sophia. Because I know for a fact that David would've told you."

Sophia stared in puzzlement. "No, he never told me about you getting bullied."

"I don't mean literally all of the details. I mean that he's let you know how hard it is not being a Pure Blood."

"I'm so sorry." Sophia said. "I swear I'll try and fix all of this."

Daniel sighed. "Sophia, I think that's half of your problem."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not your problem to fix, it's your Father's. And whatever's going on with Adam isn't your concern either."

"Yes it is." Sophia said firmly, setting her jaw. "He is my brother. Of course it concerns me."

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Okay well at the end of the day that's up to you whether you get involved or not. Just be careful." He turned on the spot and began to walk away, but Sophia called out after him.

"Daniel, wait! I think you've just proved to me that David and I can't do... Whatever it is we are trying to do, without you. I'm going to go and get David now, will you meet us in the library this evening?"

Daniel smiled softly and nodded, before leaving without saying another word.

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