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"We are gathered here today with these persons here present to witness the execution of Eduardo de la Cruz. The crime of this man is accounted due to the betrayal of the Franco-Romanian alliance and his act of espionage is a direct violation of the alliance of thirteen seventy four. Let this be a lesson to all, that King Francis will not tolerate any acts of betrayal regarding his alliances and any who attempt to poison the fruit of friendship sewn into his reign will fall. And the King of Romania will not tolerate any negative developments in this alliance with the King in which he prizes so dear." Sebastian read from the rolled scribe in his hands. The King's deputy spoke loudly and clearly on the podium in which his brother and King sat upon. 

The execution of the proven traitor to France and Romania was to be held in an open courtyard, nobility members from all over court and France being present to witness the killing that had been approven by the King of Romania. 

In his credit, the former ambassador turned spy to his huffy King, didn't wail or sob upon the execution block. Not like one of the long dead Spanish ambassadors just before the announcement of Mary's pregnancy with Lucien. The Spaniard had sobbed in fear and begged for his life, for forgiveness and for mercy. Not that the Queen had been merciful, of course.

The lone King sat with a set jaw as he watched the Romanian stand silently, his hands bound behind his back as the executioner slowly gripped the back of his neck and brought him to the block.

He looked like a martyr condemning his condemners, rather than the proven traitor and spy that he had been proven to be. He had been the one to try and tell the Romanian King of the Queen mothers 'actions' and now he was to be brought to justice for his betrayal. The King had tried to use it to his advantage -although most of the information never made it out of court, let alone the country- in his attempt of the engagement of his son and little Princess Anne, but it proved fruitless.

The spy gave the executioner that had quite the resume after the last few months a harsh glare as he was forced to kneel. He spoke clearly to the crowd of nobility and the King he betrayed.

"I have committed no sin in the eyes of the almighty lord." he announced. He leaned forward, almost willingly. The black leather covered executioner looked to his King and Emperor. Francis silently gave the nod.

The axe rose. And then the axe fell.



"Mama, mama, look at me, mama!" young Princess Anne chirped as she twirled along the dance floor. Her black lace and silver skirts bloomed like a flower as she tried to follow her eldest brothers' and future sister-in-law's dance moves, now that they had started their dance lessons. Looking up from her youngest that rested upon her lap, his arms wrapped around and head resting upon the sizeable bump that rested underneath her purple chiffon ball gown embroidered with soft little flowers. 

Mary brushed an errant curl from her face, subconsciously fixing the long braid that hung over one shoulder, also sparsely embellished with flowers. She smiled at her only daughter, placing her spare hand upon the growing baby -babies?- that grew inside her. 

"Well done, Anne!" Mary clapped as her little girl laughed and spun around, ignoring professor de Maine's instructions to James and Anna and focused upon her own routine to the soft music playing. Lucien walked over towards his sister from his perch in the corner with a book, and the young Prince and Princess started to imitate the little routine which seemed to be vaguely similar to the Volta. 

The Queen of France and Empress of Britain smiled at the scene, holding her sweet and sensitive boy closer as he nuzzled close. She felt little Prince Francis' smile as a growing foot jabbed out, and the pat that he gave in response. She was so terribly excited for this pregnancy. It was different than any of the others. So welcome and so wanted.

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