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"Your Majesty," a voice said. Francis looked up from his chair to a young page he had never seen before. His mother sat near him, holding his hand, a regular occurrence since he had returned a week ago. She had always been touchy-feely and a little dramatic, but she had barely left his side ever since he returned, something the young King wasn't used to.

He was King of this domain, but he held no true power. Even though he was alive, legally, he was dead, the undivided power of France falling to Mary. And, until Pope Paul IV came to France and changed the legal documents declaring his death -and Mary's marriage- null and void, that was where it would stay.

"What is it?" Catherine asked, still clinging to Francis' hand, tracing the deigns of his gold signet ring, the only true reminder that the young, golden haired man in extravagant clothes was actually a King. He could dress like one, but he wasn't truly a King. Not until his power, Queen and heir were returned to him.

"Pope Paul IV has arrived at court. His holiness, your Medici relation, refuses to rest or eat, he wishes to conduct the meeting with your Majesties, and their Imperial Majesties as soon as possible." the page answered. He nodded.

"Very well. Send him inside." Francis ordered. He sighed through his nose, looking around the map room. Hardly anything had changed, apart from the papers about British politics.

"His Holiness, Pope Paul IV, come to court!" the herald cried, before the pitter patter of footsteps, and the door opened.

The appropriate, royal greeting between the Medici blooded men and woman was conducted, before the door closed with a quick swear of "I shall retrieve their Imperial Majesties at once, sire" from the young page, before informal greetings took place.

"Son, I you must excuse my surprise at seeing you sitting here, very much alive," the Pope said to Francis. "we had all accepted your gravitation to the almighty heaven." he said.

"Many were surprised at my son's return, your holiness, myself included, however we rely on you to make this right, once and for all." Catherine said, stepping behind her eldest son and placing her small hands on his shoulders. He looked down a little. "You must assist us in helping my son, the Emperor, regain his power and throne, including his wife." Catherine finished.

"Of course, daughter. I must admit, I have never seen a situation like this before, nor do I believe I will again. However, both men have legitimate claims to their marriage to the Empress, and should the Empress' marriage to the Emperor be annulled, I fear most will call for her head, for her marriage could be perceived as bigamy, her necessary consummation adultery."

"Your Holiness, I was declared dead. Their marriage was made out of political necessity, however I cannot condone this facade of a marriage to go on any longer. Legally, she is still my wife, there cannot be any evidence suggesting otherwise." Francis declared, fidgeting with his fingers and raising his chin a little. He was clearly uncomfortable with the situation, and after no doubt having to explain it to the Pope, the entire world will know of his foolishness on the first day of his reign. He would be reduced on the worlds' stage, and couldn't bare the thought of any probable attacks on his country from Kings who thought him weak.

Not to mention, his wife still hadn't looked at him ever since their conversation days previous. And, because she held the power, she had hidden her son from him, no doubt wishing to inflict the pain and betrayal she felt when he ran away from her and their kingdom when they needed him the most.

"What I cannot understand is how you managed to be declared dead, when it is so obvious that you still walk along the living." he said, tilting his chin up.

"In the temporary banishment I sustained years ago, when my late father was attempting to marry the Empress to my bastard brother Sebastian, I lay with the Lady Lola and placed a boy child within her." his cheeks reddened a little, and his head bowed upon the sharp glare given to him by his mother. "For months, she kept the child a secret from me, not wishing to impune herself into my marriage or cause it to crack. However, when my son was born, the plague had just started and the Lady Lola found herself trapped in plague stricken lands. She sent word that she was going to die and wished her babe to be saved, and impulsively, I rushed from the safety of the castle walls to her side." he lowered his head again. "I knew it was wrong almost immediately after finding the Lady Lola and my son, I knew I should have remained at court with my wife, who at the time was pregnant with my heir," he gulped. "But, I couldn't leave them to their demise. So, we ran from the plague as she swept through the small village Lola had found herself in." he paused, taking a breath, squirming uncomfortably underneath the hard Medici gases. "We ran from the plague, ran so far that we ended up in the middle to east side of Italy. It took a great amount of time to earn our fare home, leading to the time limit that the Vatican placed on my wife. I am told she was given one year to find me -have me return home- or I would be legally declared dead from the plague, my body burned. And, just before it passed, she gave birth to my legitimate heir." his head lowered further, eyes drooping to the floor. "I know in heinsight it was wrong, but I didn't know that I would be declared gone from this world, giving my wife every permission and warrant to take another as her husband." he said the last word as if it pained him, looking up at his distant relation. "She had no reason to wait to make sure I was never coming back, I am sure Mary, my mother and my line had accepted my death by then." he nodded. "And, she did. The Empress waited the obligated mourning time -seven months- before finding a suitable match after my son reached his fourteenth month. And, three months later, here we are." he finished. 

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