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Playing in the gardens, the three year old Crown Prince of Great Britain and France sat on a blanket with his half cousin. The duo were giggling with Greer's children, two year old George and newborn little Rose. A ball was being passed around them, as well as a few small toys scattered along the blue blanket. Glass dishes of crumbled marzipan and sugared almonds were along the sides, as well as a few dishes of dark chocolate sweets. They giggled with each other, playing with their little toys, the perfect picture of childish innocence presented in that cobalt square.

James, the eldest of the quartet sat with his legs crossed underneath him, passing a ball back and forth to George, who was four months younger than him, matching curls splaying around their shoulders. George's light contrasted James' dark, but their dark eyes matched perfectly. Young Meredith was the eldest girl out of the quartet of children, six months younger than James and two months younger than George whilst his sister, tiny little Rose lay on the blanket, squealing as the ball passed her by, three months old and as sweet as honey. The youngest Lady Castleroy certainly adored her elders.

She started to squeal and make noise as her mother, the eldest Lady Castleroy appeared with the beautiful Baroness de Portiers. However, Bash, who stood near them, and the young Earl of Moray, who stood guard with his fellow bastard of a King, could see that both Ladies seemed troubled and far paler than usual. Their eyes were wider than usual, an uncertainty covering their usual peaceful auras. 

"Kenna, what is it?" Bash asked, coming closer to his wife, taking her hand. She shook her head.

"Bash, something terrible has happened to Mary."

"What? What is it?" James, always so protective of his younger sister and Empress, said, his voice fast, throwing himself forwards, towards the Baroness. 

 "She collapsed an hour ago, the physicians say it's stress, but she has a fever. This cannot happen!" she almost exclaimed, but kept her voice quiet for the sake of the children.

"What?" James gasped. "Is she alright? How bad is the fever? It it because of that foolish husband of hers? I always said he was bad for her ever since he came to Scotland." he glared.

"We don't know, he's certainly a part of the stress, but it might be because of Lola."

"Lola? But Lola's locked away in France until Francis sends for her." Bash frowned.

"Not anymore, Catherine let her out, gave her safe passage to Court. She's residing as we speak." Greer added.

"How could this have happened? For all we know Lola could be the culprit, poison, perhaps."

"No. Lola has no ill will towards Mary. Lola's terified of her, she understands the power that Mary has over her. I know her, at least, I think I still do. She wouldn't dare try to kill an Empress, she's not that stupid. She's been frightened of Mary since her and Francis' return a year ago. She doesn't have the guts to attempt Regicide." Kenna shut down that argument. "We must tell her son, keep him informed."

"No," Bash said, gripping her bare arm as she attempted to walk to the young Crown Prince. "Let him enjoy the day, let him continue to be happy whilst he still can."

"Very well," Kenna agreed. "But, we need to go back to Mary. I have no idea what's happened there since we left." she said, turning her head to stare at the little Crown Prince of Great Britain and France as he laughed with her daughter.

Mary had been almost five weeks pregnant when Francis had left, all those years ago. Far enough to suspect that she was finally with child, but too soon to tell. When news of the plague had spread to the Court, Mary had fearlessly took charge of the castle. Food was evenly spread out amongst the plague stricken stone walls of the French Court, nobody having too much and nobody having nothing. She had proven herself a true Queen, whilst the King had ran away from his responsibilities to his people and Court to look for his bastard and the mother.

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