[5] In time

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"In time" is the sequel to Heartbreak. So here's the part 2 you all so desperately desired.

Y/n left months ago. They looked for her but could never find her. They sometimes found her footsteps in the snow but it always led to no where or they would be covered in the snow after.

Though they never knew she was so close by.


"Did you find anything today?"

Susie and Joey shook there heads while Julie grumbled.

"Why the fuck are we still looking for her? She ran away months ago. She doesn't want to come back."

Frank look to Julie with a deadly side eye. She paled and immediately looked away.

"Anyways, Nothing at all?"

Susie glanced to Joey while he shook his head telling her to let Frank know.

"I guess we found something.. There was blood in the snow today, I don't know if its her so I didn't want to say anything. Some was dripping from a branch."

Frank glanced to Susie as she pointed where she saw it.

"Can you lead me there?"

Susie nodded and let the other three on the way.

1 hour ago.

Y/n let out pained breaths as she held the knife that made painful wound on her stomach. Y/n tried pulling it out but didn't have the strength to.

"He's still looking for you, Frank. If I just take care of you and show him your dead body this will be all over. Probably just gonna say you got killed by a bear or something."


Julie watched her with cold eyes as Y/n tried to pull the knife out. Spitting out blood she looked to Julie who then kicked her down. Julie pulled out her knife and stabbed her two more times

Y/n's seemingly blurred gaze turned to watch Julies figure starring down at her and then nothing.


Susie lead Frank threw the cold woods as she found the bloody branch near a snowy hill.


Frank and Joey looked around while Julie leaned on a tree clearly nervous.

Susie let out a gasp as she looked down the hill. Joey and Frank turned toward to her direction and looked down.

There was Y/n laying in the snow. The snow around her body was a deep red due to blood.

Frank quickly made his way down and held up her cold fragile body in his hands.

He watched as a puff of air came out as she opened her eyes to see him. She smiled lightly holding the side of his mask.

His eyes turned to the knife in her stomach. Recognizing the handle, One name engraved.


His sinister gaze turned to Julie who still watched them from behind.

"You did this to her, didn't you?"

Susie turned to Julie which held disappointment in her eyes.


"He's been obsessed with finding Y/n since she left. How do you think I feel about that? I figured if I kill her your attention will finally be on me."

Frank sighed angrily as he pointed for the mountains.

"If I ever see you again. I'll kill you."

Julie looked upset on hearing that. She then turned back to the lodge to grab her things.

Frank looked to y/n as she smiled.

"Hey there stranger."

Frank smiled slightly



After returning to the lodge Susie wrapped up Y/n's waist.

"It's..It's good to have you around again."

Y/n smiled to Susie and hugged her with one arm.

"Im glad to be around."

Waving off to Susie, Y/n stepped upstairs carefully and made her way to a door that opened to the balcony outside.

Her eyes watch the snow fall as the day grew to night. She turned her body to the new person around her.

Frank looked to her as he took off his mask. His hands, seemingly warm from his gloves held her freezing hands. Rubbing her hands in attempt to keep them warm his eyes searched for hers.

She avoided her gaze and watched the forest covered in snow.


She finally looked to him in tears, her face a little red from the cold. She shifted in her jacket, Once his.


Joey came in and gave a blanket to Frank.

"Me and Susie are going to bed. Just letting you both know."

Once alone again, Y/n's eyes finally met Frank's.

He smiled softly at her as he soon sat down on a couch in the balconies hallway. Wrapping the blanket around him, he held out his hand to her.

She grabbed it hesitantly and cuddled into him, wrapping the blanket also around her. Their eyes watched the snow as he said,

"Could you ever forgive me?"

"In time."

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