(Xiao Zhan running from here)

"Here we go again. You are gonna bump or run into me again for whole day??? Tell me first. So I can prepare myself for whole day"... Wang Yibo scream in frustration.

"No. No. It's not my like this. I am sorry. I was late for my class. I am sorry " Xiao Zhan said that immediately.

"Just shut up ok. And stop saying sorry. You know what go to hell. Don't show me your face for whole day please." by saying this Yibo left from there.

Xiao Zhan Pov

I am still standing here. And thinking about what Yibo just said. Am I too ugly? Or too thin? Or pathetic? Can't he just respect me as human?? In real life you can't even tolerate my face. But when you replied my messages you weren't rude that time. Maybe my cousin is too much beautiful.

After finishing first class. Now I am finally checking my messages. It was all Yibo's messages. In last message Yibo said "Here my day start with a bad morning by seeing an idiot person face"...

Now I feel like crying. He hate me too much.

"Then you should avoid that person" I replied him.

"I wish I could. But unfortunately we are in same university. I really hate him. I hate his smile. His smile makes my heart feel uncomfortable. He always smile. Even he smile at everyone like that way. I just hate it." Yibo replied him.

I know that Yibo hate me. But he hate my smile too? Why he hate my smile? Why this guy is too much complicated??

"You must be hate him a lot. That's why you are keep talking about him" Xiao Zhan replied.

"Yes I do. Anyway what are you doing?" Yibo asked.

They are normal conversation begin.

3rd Person Pov

In Lu Jian Min Mansion

Having glare and scold from Wang Yibo finally Xiao Zhan done with second day too. He was exhausted. When he entered in living room. He was shocked.

"What the hell are you doing here?? Go away from my sister. Get out right now" Xiao Zhan scream.

"Baby don't be like this. We have talked about this right. Don't behave like this. Calm down" his mom was trying to make him understand.

"But mom he is a bad guy.... Before he completed his sentence someone cut him.

"Son lets go. You can find more beautiful girl. I can't tolerate this much insult." Cao Yu's father speaks.

(James Huang, Cao Yu Chen's father)

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(James Huang, Cao Yu Chen's father)

By hearing this Xuan Lu start crying.

"Dad don't be like this. You know right Xiao Zhan always being brat like this" Cao Yu trying to make his father understand.

"Yes please calm down. Don't get angry." Cao Yu Chen's mother said.

(Hu Xiao Ting, Cao Yu Chen's mother)

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(Hu Xiao Ting, Cao Yu Chen's mother)

"You idiot why you always have to create this kind of scene?? Are you forgetting big sister and Cao Yu has already relationship?? Now you make her cry" Zhou Cheng scold Xiao Zhan.

"Big sister are you sure? Do you really love him? Want to be with him??" Xiao Zhan asked his sister.
Her sister slowly nodded her head.

By seeing his sister confession and tears. Xiao Zhan realised maybe he is overreacting.

"I am sorry. I won't coz any trouble anymore. I am truly sorry" Xiao Zhan sincerely apologies by bowing his head.

Seeing Xiao Zhan apologies his parents and siblings feel bad. Before they could say something Xiao Zhan already left for his room.

Xiao Zhan come to his room. And message Yibo.

"Yibo do you think love can change anyone?" Xiao Zhan asked him.

"Yes love can change anyone"............


I am sorry for grammatical error 🙏🙏.. I am not so good in English I am sorry.

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