7 / 11 / 2018

14 0 0



This past weekend was a mid-term break, meaning that we had a four day weekend. Ruel and I spent most of that time together as he is leaving for LA tonight. He'll be gone for 2 weeks, writing with Sarah, and performing at Camp Flog Gnaw. I'm honestly so proud of him, performing at Tyler's music carnival, I know how much Ruel idolises him and I can tell that he is excited, but also very nervous to perform in front of all of those people.

I get off the bus and as it drives off, I see Ruel sitting on the wall. I cross the road and we begin to walk to back Ruel's house. He says that he needs help packing but I don't know how much help I will be as I know next to nothing about fashion, and his style is so unique.


We've finished packing all of Ruel's things into his suitcases and we're just sitting out on the deck talking about life, as you do. Nate and Chelsea are coming to pick him up in about fifteen minutes, I haven't met them yet but I can't wait.


I'm outside talking to Nate and Chelsea while Ruel's saying goodbye to Kate, Ralph and Coco.

After a while, Ruel comes back out dragging all of his bags to the boot of the car, throwing them in. As he comes over to me to say goodbye, he pulls me into a tight, warm hug and I can't help but smile.

We pull away and look into each other's eyes as he says, "Laters Rose"

"Laters Roelof" I say, giving him a new nickname.

"Roslyn" he smirks, and then his eyes widen like he's got a brilliant idea. "Lyn" he says simply.

"Lof" I say back, slightly laughing.

He turns around and opens the door to the back seat of the car, as Nate and Chelsea are already in the front. Before he gets in, he gives me one last toothy smile and a wave as they drive off.

~ R U E  L ~

"So...you and Roslyn?" I hear Nate say from the driver's seat, just as we turned out of the driveway.

I roll my eyes, "We're just friends."

"You know you're in trouble when the word just comes before the word friends." Chelsea says, referencing her new favourite movie Mamma Mia 2.

"Seriously guys, it's not like that. I've only known her for a week."

"We all know that doesn't change anything for you Ruel." I sigh, knowing that Nate's right. "Just be careful. Next year is going to be pretty full-on for your career."

I look out the window, knowing that he's right. I can't even think about her without smiling. I won't be able to leave her next year if my feelings keep growing, and I can't do that to her, she doesn't deserve it.

The next hour and a half-ish drive to the airport goes by quickly. I keep off my phone most of the time, knowing that I will automatically send something to Roslyn.


As we get to the airport, I get a message from Roslyn wishing me a safe flight. I smile down at my phone before looking up to see the soft caring, but also concerned look on Chels' face. I text back a quick, "Thank you Lyn, I'll text you when we land :)". Before putting in my AirPods and playing my real depresso playlist on Spotify.

The New Kid on the Block - oneruel fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ