31 / 10 / 2018

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~ R O S L Y N ~

So, I just got off the bus and I'm walking home when I see a family moving into the house on the corner, across from mine. I didn't even realise it was up for sale, but I don't mind, I don't really socialise with my neighbours and this family probably won't be any different.

I rush past the house saying a quick "good afternoon" to the movers as they collect boxes from their truck.

As soon as I get inside my house, I run up to my room and get out my Laptop. Ruel released his 'Not Thinkin' Bout You' music video today, and I NEED to watch it. NOW.

I start the video and watch it closely, before blasting his EP on shuffle-replay on my speaker and changing into some more comfortable clothes to begin a mini dance party, before my mum and brother get home from work.


I hear a knock on the door, which is shocking because 1, we never have visitors, and 2, I have Ruel playing so loud I'm surprised I'm not deaf yet. I head over to the door, speaker in hand, and open it up to see a tall, lanky, giraffe looking boy. Ruel.

I just kind of stand at the door staring at this gorgeous figure in front of me, not really knowing if this is a dream until he breaks the silence after what feels like centuries.

"So...I'm guessing you know who I am then!?" he says with a chuckle. I attempt to nod and smile, realising his ep is literally ON FULL VOLUME in the speaker in my hand. I immediately turn it off and look up at him awkwardly.

He pulls me into a hug which manages to calm me down. I thought that would've made me worse, but I feel safe in his arms.

"Before I faint can I just say that that song is way too underrated!" I say in one quick breath.

"Yea, I agree with you on that one...can I come in?" he asks, and I nod. "Sure."

"So, what's your name? You obviously know mine." I blush. "Roslyn"

"Well, Roslyn, I love giving people nicknames. So, how about Rosie?" he asks.

"Nope, no, definitely not, I hate it" I say walking inside, leading Ruel up the stairs into the living room.

He laughs, "Ok then, so how about.....Rose, simple?"

"Yea, okay. That's cute. Do I have to give you a nickname now?" I ask, trying to think of something.

He shrugs, "If you want. Some people call me Ruely, but you can find something else."

We sit down on the couch and continue to talk "How about Rue?"

"Well, it's kinda simple and kinda lame... I LOVE IT!" He exclaims, and we both laugh.

We sit for a while just talking, getting to know each other, making jokes, blah..blah..blah.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" he asks, I look at him confused, where is this going? He must notice my look as he explains himself. "For Halloween. Are you going out with your friends or something?"

Oh yeah, it's Halloween! "Nah, my two closest friends live like 40 minutes away. I was just going to stay home and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S, that's all I've been doing lately...binging. Besides, nobody around here really does anything for Halloween, it's just an excuse to eat junk. Which I do anyway." I say.

"Oh yeah, fair enough," he chuckles "I haven't seen F.R.I.E.N.D.S yet, but I hear it's really good."

"Yea, it's the best"

"Can I watch with you?" Ruel asks.

"Well, I'm already halfway through but I can watch it again with you." I can't believe Ruel Van Dijk is in my house right now. Voluntarily. WTF! And he wants to stay! and hang out! AAAH!!

We begin watching from the start and he seems like he is enjoying himself. During the first episode, I turn to Ruel and ask "Um..just a quick question..what are you doing here?" I've just noticed that he's randomly here, in my house, in my small-ass town, not in Sydney, or LA, or wherever.

"Well Rose, long story...." I grab the remote to pause the tv, and he tells me everything, why they had to leave, why they moved here, and he told me about Mary.

"Mary is my ex-girlfriend, she's part of the reason we had to leave. She acts all sweet and lovey in public and online, but the truth is, she was obsessed, with me and my "status". We decided to move because if we stayed there any longer we feared what she would do. When we left obviously we couldn't tell her that it was partly because of her, who knows what she would've done, we just told her that it wasn't safe because of the fans and the press. But, unfortunately, whenever I do go back to Sydney and see my friends, she will be there and I'll just have to put up with it for that short time. She scares me that girl!" He says after explaining everything else.

"Wow, she seems like such a nice girl from what I've seen on Instagram, but I guess the internet really is a fake-ass place." I'm honestly not surprised, something about her never seemed right to me. "So, you're my new neighbour...I won't out you, promise. Your secrets are safe with me!" I smile.

"Good. I trust you Rose" he says, making me blush.

We continue watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S until he gets a call from his sister, Coco, saying that he needs to get home. He gives me his number before leaving and asks for mine. He says that he will call me later and butterflies swarm in my stomach. I smile and nod, saying "Okay" before he's gone.

I run up to my room and jump onto my bed. WHAT JUST HAPPENED! NO WAY THAT WAS REAL! OH MY GOD! I get a notification on my phone and open it to already see a text from Ruel 'Hey Rose, really hoping this is you..if not...I know where you live :D' I can't help but smile at it. 'Um...I think you've got the wrong number mate.' I cheekily reply and get a call almost instantly. I pick up and laugh into the phone "Heyyyyy Rue!", I await a reply "You. Little. Bitch." he says and hangs up. Hahah...I love me!


I'm laying down in bed, watching tv when my phone starts buzzing on my bedside table. I look over to see 'Rue' on the screen.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi, so um I was just..uh...wondering..where is your bus stop? and like...what time do you usually get off after school?" he stutters. I don't really know why he's asking but I'm just gonna go along with it.

"Um..it's literally just down the street, you can probably see it from your house. And, about 4:10. Why?"

"I was thinking I could meet you there and like..walk you home? It could be our thing."

"Sure, okay. So...we have a thing now?"

"Yup! The bus stop..and F.R.I.E.N.D.S" he replies, "Anyway, I'll let you sleep now. Talk more tomorrow?"

"Yea, okay, cool."

"Dope. Also..um...at school, and like in general, can you not tell anyone about me moving here..or us like being..friends? You can tell your mum cause like, duh she'll find out anyway, but like just keep it private for now. Is that okay?" he asks.

"Ruel, of course, I won't say anything. I wouldn't anyway. Your secrets are safe with me, remember?"

"Yea thanks, I know...I trust you, remember?" he says, slightly mocking me, "Goodnight Rose, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodniiight Ruuue"

The New Kid on the Block - oneruel fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now