Shrek v thanus rap battle

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Shrek walked out into his swamp he took in the swampy air. Then out of the blue, thanus emerged from the groung and dabbed on shrek. 

Shrek proceeded to default dance all over thanus. Thanus grabbed shreks THICC hips and said "Ur gud" 

shrek replied "No shit

Thanus t-posed to show affection and dominance. Shrek noticed and t-posed back 

"Mmmm" Shrek said

Thanus said "Oof Bitch"

They walked into one another merging into one being 

"Go commit deathpacito" Shrek said with glee

"Nani" said thanus in surprise

Shrek then procceeded to dab 

Thanus then fortnite danced until he expired 

Then shrek says "its all ogre now" and then disappeared inti the ground

-dominic aka dominic

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