Part thirty-seven

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*un-edited obviously**Y/n Pov*
Let me tell you, as soon as what I said got around, everything was chaos. Not just with the fandom but with Brendon, Harry and Louis' management.

It was settled that'd we would all meet together in private for a meeting, and let me tell you. I'm in deep shit here. I wouldn't say I regret it, cause I understand the pain of a dried out fandom, yet I am kind of nervous for what's to happen.

Both Brendon and Ryan's reactions were horrific. It was almost like I killed multiple people. I was terrified and they hadn't spoken to me hours after that. It was probably very hard for them as they were in the position that Larry were in back in the day, but it was a lot less hectic.

I mentally and physically prepared myself in the mirror beforehand, knowing full well and even acting out what will happen in the meeting. Let me tell you I was prepared for whatever was thrown at me, I also knew how to hide my emotions well due to the abuse in the past. The only good thing that came out of that to be honest.

I was told to also dress in formal attire, which for me was a suitable black dress, not too slutty and not too showy offy. Both Brendon and Ryan were also wearing formal attire, both in black slacks and button up shirts with a matching black jacket over the top of it. They looked like the perfect pair.

On the way to the building, I started to get nervous not just because of the meeting but because of Brendon and Ryan. They were still ignoring me which made it worse as I knew they weren't on my side. But I covered that up shortly when I knew we were near.

The car park was packed with preppy, expensive cars and the building made it a lot worse. It looked like something out of a movie. I know a building, weird. But trust me, it stood tall and looked like it was full of rich, stuck ups. I wouldn't doubt that though as I know Modest! Management are shit heads.

Heading into the building we were immediately greeted by two suit wearing stuck up bastards, to put it lightly. I knew straight away that they meant business and that they wouldn't take any bullshit even if it was from a 16 year old girl. Bit disgusting if you think about it and thats just from their appearances.

They led us into an elevator and we stood there for a good solid 30 seconds, both Ryan and Brendon still rigid. The tension in that elevator was hell. When the elevator doors pinged open, the surroundings were as normal as an office building. Joking, you could tell someone took great care in what the environment looked like. Yet the people's attitudes did not match up to their environment. God.

Not noticing that we were now in a classic meeting room,knocking me out of my thoughts all of a sudden reality came crushing down. Shit, shit shit I'm in deep shit.
Yet I sat down and hid my emotions with a fake smile, not even Brendon, Ryan or the people sitting in the room seemed to notice as they were all chatting away, introducing theirselves to one another while single handedly ignoring my presence.

And that's where I decided I'd be silent, if their ignoring me I'll ignore them simple. It's petty and pathetic but I don't care.

I looked down at my hands, playing with the thread of my black cardigan, blocking out everything and everyone. I don't know how long had passed and I didn't care. I was completely in my element, I wouldn't even notice if any was talking to me or looking at me. It's what they get for ignoring a 16 year old teen with a traumatic past.
I continued in my stance for what I thought would've been maybe four or five more minutes when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I didn't dare look up, still doing what I planned on doing. Until they started pissing me off by snapping their fingers and waving their Hand in front of my face. What a dick. I didn't even know him and he's getting up in my personal space.

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