Chapter 2

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"As you boys all know this tour is going to need a lot of time and dedication. So that means no mucking around and get down to business" the woman with the short black hair and glasses said looking at all the boys "And Beau that means you too!" she said telling Beau who was looking down at his phone smiling like an idiot.

"Okay, chill out" Beau says instantly bursting into fits of laughter. She shot him a warning look as if to say watch it!

"Right so I was thinking what about sometime in 2015?" she questioned, the boys who were giving most of their attention but most of them were half asleep."Well?" she said asking more meaningfully now. "Sounds good" Luke says looking around as all the bother boys nod in sync.

"That's sorted then" the woman across the desk said sounding happy that they had at least came to a decision on what year they were doing it on.

"What about during the Summer?" she asked. The boys all looked at each other then looked at the woman who was staring at them trying to read their thoughts. "Sure!" said Skip, "yeah sounds good" said Jai looking rather excited at the idea.

"See you boys in a couple of days, I have other things to do right now". The boys all walked out of the room and were escorted to the cars by the body guards. They met some fans and got their twitters, they were then told they had to leave and got into their cars.

The boys were all seated in the cars and were driven off back to the house. They got back and went into the house and sat on the couches, they turned the TV on and sat and watched a DVD.

"Mum's bringing her friend round later I think" said Jai "yeah I think it's Kate. Mum said she was brining her niece around and we should all be nice to her because she has been through a lot" The Brooks brothers lived with their mum and Skip and James lived with their families, but Skip and James were always around at the Brooks' house.

"Okay, when are they getting here because I need to go home for dinner tonight?" James asked. "don't know probably after 3pm, that's when she usually comes here" Beau replied.

_____(forward until 3pm) _____

"Hello!" shouts Kate as she walks in. "Hi" replies Jai "Everyone, meet April" says Kate pointing to a skinny girl with a baggy jumper and black denim jeans, everyone's eyes move round to the girl in the hallway.

"Hia April" says James "come in, you can sit next to me if you want" James says pointing to a space on the couch next to him. "o-okay, thanks" said April looking up to Kate making sure it was okay. "go on!" said Kate sounding happy that April had already made a friend. Kate walked off into the kitchen where the Brooks' mum was in making some snacks for the boys.


"So April, come sit over here" April walks over and James introduces her to the boys who were lolling in the direction of the TV "this is Jai,Luke and Beau, they are all brothers and Jai and Luke are twins. That's Daniel or also known as Skip and I am James. "nice to meet you all" said April sounding nervous as all the boys turn their heads from the TV "nice to meet you too" said Beau and Skip "yeah" said Jai but Luke just said "hi" then turned away and looked back at the TV.

"Can I use the toilet?" April asks "you don't need to ask!" James chuckles "yeah but sure it's the second door on the left just down the hall". "okay thanks" said April walking out of the room towards the toilet.


I walked down the hall until I got to the second door and walked inside. What had just happened she mentally asked her self. I had just been brought away Fromm abusive parents and brought to Australia and within two days I was introduced to 5 Australian boys that my aunt was friends with their mum.

I don't want to sound ungrateful because I knew who they were mainly because I have seen them on YouTube a few times and my aunt had told me who they were so I felt like I stood out a lot and I was self conscious, I hate my body and I hate my life.

I walked back into the room awkwardly and sat myself down next to James who was half asleep. James was the nicest to me since I arrived here and I didn't really know what the other boys thought. "hello" said James in a groggy voice "sorry I'm nearly asleep we have had a meeting today and I was up late last night". "no, it's fine" I said trying to sound sympathetic.

It's now been about 3 hours since I've been here so it's about 6pm and Kate has had some alcohol so she wasn't fit to drive. Great just great I have just met these boys and now I have to stay in the same house as them. "looks like you are sleeping here tonight" said James pointing to Kate who was stood in the hall way holding into the wall because she was drunk. "yeah looks that way" I said trying to sound happy but I wasn't sure about how this was going to work.

Hope you liked it!!!!!

Well that's chapter 2 done! Longer than the first one so that's a bonus! Quite like writing this book!

Hope you like chapter 3!!

And remember comment what you like and what you want in the next chapter!!!!

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