"They get the grapes," the redhead started as she tried to remember the steps. "And then they vaporize it and then they..." she trailed off, not remembering the next step. Then she remembered that the phone was in her hand. To take herself out of the situation she continued with her act. "Oh mom, sorry I took too long. I'm waiting for you." She said as she hung up. And then looked at Toni. "Sorry, it seems we might have to continue our conversation some other time."

The brunette nodded with a smirk. Let's see if I can embarrass her. "Your mom right? And she's on her way as you were talking to her on the phone?"

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Yes."

"Weird, because I was just in the living room with her and I came to get you." The brunette then laughed. "Weird things happen to people." She said while she shook her head.

Knowing that she got caught. Cheryl began to walk only to be stopped by Toni who stood in front of her. "Is there something else?" Chloe asked in a low whisper as her eyes drifted to the brunette's lips. Eyes up Cheryl , stop looking at her lips! You are supposed to hate her! The redhead said to herself.

Toni nodded and turned Cheryl towards the mirror, standing behind her closely, she then placed her fingers under the redhead's chin lifted her gaze to the mirror. "You forgot to close the screen," She said in a low voice near Cheryl 's ear. "And they brewing it not vaporize it." She said with a smirk as she noticed the redhead's eyes widen in surprise. Yeah, I won. she thought as she left the office. Cheryl took a deep breath and made her way to the living room.

Cheryl and Penelope made their way into the redhead's room, as soon as the door closed. The redhead hugged the older redhead tightly as tears started to fall from her eyes. "I missed you mom."

Penelope smiled through the tears. "I missed you too so much sweety. How are you?"

Cheryl pulled back from the hug. "I'm okay, h-how is daddy?"

Mama B sighed sadly. "H-He's okay too."

"Is he taking care of himself?"

Penelope shook her head. "He isn't sleeping well and he's smoking a lot."

The widow shook her head and made her way to the drawer, she took out the envelope that Liam got her and sat back beside her mother. "Here mom," She said as she gave it to her mother. "

"What is this Cheryl ?" Penelope asked curiously.

"Inside this envelope is twenty thousand dollars, keep them with you. Betty and Jason might need some cash."

The older redhead shook her head and gave the envelope back to her daughter. "I can't, your father will kill me if he saw this amount of money in cash with me."

"Then how were you going to give the money to dad for him not to sell the house?"

"We need time, we told him that Betty will take a loan and we said that Jason's old company will give him his rest of the salary. But again, we need time and I can't keep this amount at home." When she saw that her daughter's face fell, she sighed. "When is this war between you and your father is going to end? Why don't you come over and visit him?" Penelope suggested. "He's dying to see you."

Cheryl gave her mother a small smile. "If he really missed me he would have come the day Larry died." I miss him so much. "No mom, dad doesn't want to see me." She said on the verge of tears.

"Don't say that baby, at the end you will have to fix things with him. At some point you two have to stop being stubborn, the both of you are losing valuable time together, the years that are passing will not come back."

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