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Don't do it.

I have no choice.

You'll die.

Emily could die.

The words circle around my head until I wake up on a raft at sea. The ebony sea sways and sings. The lapping waves are a siren's song that demand that I go down.

I want to disappear into the darkness.

"Jason Hill?"

I blink. The porch. I'm on the porch and Michael is beside me.

"What's happening?" I mutter.

"Freddie went off to get the car. Some of our family are there." Michael hesitates. "You asked to go with us."


"I did..." I slowly agree.

Michael nods. "It's for the best, Jason Hill. Especially if you don't desire the damage that has happened to the others that Freddie initiated."

"I don't want to hurt Emily," I say. "But...I'd rather just go to a hospital. I'm sure they could treat my condition..."

"No." Michael shakes his head. "They can do nothing about the poison in your system, Jason Hill. And it would end up much like what happened with Freddie the last time. I won't be responsible for that happening again. If you want to wander off to a hospital, that is your choice—not mine."

I sneered. "You're a saint."

"I am a follower of the Lost Way. That is my only concern." He leans against the front door. "I won't have Freddie or you endanger our work."

"And yet you sent her off to get the car?" I cock my head. "How do you know she isn't scampering off to fuck with other people who are stupid enough to help her?"

"I have to place my faith in Freddie's adherence to bringing you to the true path," Michael says and his face twitches. "Of course it's not ideal. None of this is ideal. But I can't very well lead you to the road while you're half out of your mind. I don't really want to chase you through the woods again."

I make a face. "Maybe if you hadn't been so creepy, I wouldn't have felt the need to go running into the woods."

"And I cannot very well leave you here with Freddie," Michael says, ignoring my complaint. "You have already seriously hurt her twice."

I cross my arms. "You're not worried that I'll kick your ass?"

"That will never happen, Jason Hill."

He is more plain annoying than intimidating at the moment. But I can't argue with him—not while everything is spinning. I slump down, desperately wishing that the whirling would stop.

If it stopped, maybe I would think clearly. And realize that going off to a cult was probably a terrible idea.

A noise breaks my daze and I look up. A creature is lurking in the distance with golden eyes. It is slowly approaching the house, a monster from nightmares. Bigger than a wolf, with a gaping mouth.

It's not real.

Are you sure it isn't real?

A loud roar erupted from its mouth and I leaped back. I glance at Michael who steps forward. He sees it—this is real.

But he waves to it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss.

"It is time to leave, Jason Hill."

"What?" I look back at the beast. "No. Not with that thing out there!"

"The car?"

The fog fades and I see that the creature is simply the car—the glowing eyes are the headlights.

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