Chapter 8: broken mind

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"kid...kid...KID WAKE UP! don't die on me, kid! I need to know where they are!"

"come on! you have been passed out for a day now! I need you! please!"



"wake up kid! I can't feel your pulse"


"no no, no kid WAKE UP!"

Skaters P.O.V.

I woke up, startled by someone shaking me. there was a huge pain in my side. I groaned, and then the person shaking me hugged me!

"OH THANK GOD YOU'RE OK!" He said as his grip tightened. "OW! FUCK!!" I yelped. he quickly let go of me. "oh I'm sorry kid, heh heh." I rubbed my chest where I was stabbed. it felt like it was burned shut. "who- who are you?" I asked him

then everything hit me.

foxy and the others, my dad, getting stabbed, it all was flooding back to my brain. my breaths started to shorten. I had to save them, they were going to die! I can't be alone again! they were the only family I had. it was getting harder to breathe.

"i-i they-..." that's is all I could manage to say before bursting into sobs. the stranger pulled me into a hug. "it's ok, kid. calm down. just tell me what happened."

I looked up to him. "everything?" he nodded "everything." so I told him everything. I told him how I and my sister got here, how I stayed with my friend Jerry, how my father came and took everyone, and I even told him about Happyness' bite and how's he's going to possibly die.

after I was done, he was silent. he stood up and walked over to the bookcase. he did that sideways stare at me where he didn't want me to know he was looking at me but I could easily tell. most adults do that to me, I'm used to it by now.

he pulled out two books. one that was a photo album and the other was a really old book. "me and your father," He began as he walked back towards me. "go a long way back." he sat right next to me and opened the photo album.

it contained pictures of me! Well, not really but it had someone who looked like me. it was my father! he looked just like me but different color hair and feathers and had a moe hawk. my dad was there with the man

He looked happy with him. he reminded me of... well, me! it was like looking at photos of my self. "we were always there for each other!" he said. "me and Eagleator, heh" he chuckled. "we got into all sorts of trouble! we were also on top of our dojo class." he said as he turned a page.

he then frowned. "we were competing to get an action hero's greatest award!" "what was it?" I asked. "pair of shades," he told me. "really!" a pair of shades?! WOW!

"he then pulled out the old looking book and opened it. this is what it read:

All of the Bird Tiles have been curse with the possibility to have the Bird Tiles Elements of Death. The B.T.E.D. is very rare and it's not very often that anyone will have it.

• Soul trapper is when a bird tile has a fire breath that can trap anyone's soul if they touch its flame. To tell if someone has this Element, they always have a cloud of green smoke coming out of their nostrils. This Element doesn't affect bird tiles but everything else should coward in fear because of it.

• Quill Wings is where the inside of the wings have these little quills and if they punchier you, you will die slowly and painfully. The only cure is if you snap the quill in half. You can tell if someone has this Element if they always leave quills lying around.

• Death Kiss. Mostly females have this kind of Element. This Element is where if she kisses you, you become her love slave. This only affects bird tiles. The only way to find out if they have this Element is if their lips are always red. The only way to break this curse is if the kisser decides to uplift it.

• The poisonous bite is the Element that if the biter bites you, you either die Slowly and painfully or you go either a little insane or completely insane. The way you can tell if someone has this Element is when they bite something, they have purple saliva. The only cure is their saliva.

• Eyes of God. This Element is the most dangerous and deadliest Element of them all. This Element effects every living thing that ever lays eyes on it. This also doesn't have a cure. This Element is when the user has eyes that can turn you into stone. This Element user has to cover their eyes at all times. You can tell if they have it if they always have their eyes completely covered. Or if you look right at their eyes. You probably not live to tell the tale but at least you know. Legion says that the user either has glowing gold eyes or fiery red eyes. Depending on how good the user's soul is. Legion also says that if the user has golden eyes, that the cure is their golden tears.

• Shades of the Elements. This item is the only item that can contain all of the Elements. Some Element users find this as a weakness but for some it a cure from being a monster. Only action heroes can get wear shades and not look suspicious because all action heroes wear shades of honor once they become an action hero.

I read the passages over a few times. what stood out to me the most was the Poisonous bite. is that what I had? really?

then it all made sense. my dad must have had it and he wanted the shades to help him. but this guy must have won and got them and he's been trying to get them ever since.

"I needed the shades," said the man. "for I had one of these.' he brushed his hair more into his eyes. " and I could never bring myself to tell him. ii was too afraid to lose a friendship because of it but in the end," I could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry. "I still lost him."

in my mind. I still believed in my theory. somehow i didn't seem to feel like I wanted to kill him. I wanted to have a family, so badly. maybe we could make up and- Dicky? I saw Happyness' little brick friend float through the wall. he was blooping a lot!

the guy saw him too. "Dicky! y-you're ok!" he pulled him into a hug, but he was still flipping out. "you know dicky?" I asked him. "yeah, him and Happyness live here, my wife and I took them in."

when he said that I kinda guessed who he was. "are-are you... Mr. H.?" I asked. "yeas but that's not important right now. Dicky! calm down, how the hell did you survive?"

this was kinda awkward. mainly because I just confessed my crazy addiction to his daughter but hey, at least he doesn't hate me for it.

once he finally calmed dicky down he got up a headed out. I decided to follow him. he turned towards me and stopped me. "no kid, you have to stay here." he told me. "WHAT! Why?"

"because you got stabbed by your father, you have a few screw loose, and someone needs to watch dicky!" he pointed over to dicky who was floating in the corner. "but sir!" I began to explain. "I have a plan," he still kept walking away. "I don't want you to kill him." I finally say.

that made him stop. "wh-who said I would?" he asked. I sort of knew he was lying. "look, sir. he's my father and I know how to stop him. and... I really care about him, still. please, let me and dicky come with you?

he didn't say anything for a moment. finally, he spoke. "Ok kid! What's the plan?"

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