Chapter 17: Fractured Group

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Davis turned his back, trying to protect Demiveemon from the oncoming attack as he prayed for a miracle to happen. He wasn't expecting Neodevimon to attack him until TK was there. Neodevimon dived straight for the spiky haired teen boy with his right claw out in front of him. Davis tightened his grip on his partner and found himself waiting for what he now realised was his inevitable end.

"Aurora beam!"

"Heaven's charm!"

Davis spun around to see Magnaangemon and Angewomon launching their attacks towards Neodevimon. The devil saw the manoeuvres coming and managed to barrel roll out of the way of Magnaangemon's rainbow coloured beam but was struck by the pink light energy of Angewomon's heaven's charm.

"Yeah! That's the way!" Davis cheered as he watched Neodevimon spiral towards the ground. The Devil smashed into the floor, sliding along it until he crashed into the trees at the edge of the clearing.

"Davis you idiot! What the hell do you think you are doing?" The spiky haired boy heard TK shout at him in a mixture of rage, frustration, disbelief and relief. He turned around to see his blonde friend and Kari sprinting towards him. He noticed TK was holding Kari's hand and was almost dragging her along behind him as she struggled to keep up with the basketball star's pace.

The two sprinting teens, in what Davis decided were his and hers matching white shirts and dark blue denim jeans, skidded to a halt as they reached him. The spiky haired teen, who was still cradling Demiveemon in his arms, pulled himself to his feet.

"Oh shit!" TK cursed as he grabbed Kari. The teen girl screamed as he lifted her off her feet and scooped her into his arms for reasons Davis couldn't quite understand. The goggle-head saw the fear on Kari's face as she wrapped her arms around TK's neck.

Davis watch TK suddenly lift his right leg up before the blonde boy kicked him straight in the side of his hip. The force of the kick was strong enough to knock the spiky haired boy off his feet and push him away. He watched TK falling too as the blonde boy used the kick to push himself and Kari away, creating a gap of several metres between them. Both Digidestined boys fell on their backs with TK using his body to break Kari's fall in the same way Davis' body broke Demiveemon's fall.

"Shit!" Davis mimicked TK's description from moments ago as a large claw shot straight out of the ground from the spot where the Digidestined stood a second ago. The claw was a ghost-like version of Neodevimon's claw that looked like it was formed from the dark energy the demon used in his attacks. Davis turned his head to glance over to where Neodevimon had hit the floor and saw the devil laughing with his right claw buried in the ground.

"Aurora beam!"

"Heaven's charm!"

Magnaangemon and Angewomon repeated the names of their attacks as they launched another wave of light energy towards Neodevimon. The demon glanced up and realised the attacks were coming his way. He pushed himself off the ground and into the air, using his wings to propel himself skywards. The attacks just missed the virus type Digimon, exploding on contact with the ground. The combined explosion from both angels' attacks was powerful enough to send several trees crashing to the ground with loud cracks.

Neodevimon flew to a safe distance from his opponents before he stopped and spun around to face them. The devil Digimon and the two angel Digimon hovered in the air as a standoff began. Both sides appeared cautious to make the first move.

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