Chapter 12: Another Stalemate

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Patamon was perched on the edge of TK's bed, watching his partner with concern. He glanced over to the alarm clock, which was the only source of light in the dark room. It read 3:39am and the Digimon noted his partner's nightmare had been going on for longer than any other he'd ever notice TK having before. It was something he put down to the conversation between Neodevimon and TK during the battle yesterday.

The rookie Digimon's eyes returned to his partner as the blonde boy turned in his bed again. He saw the cold sweat pouring off TK's forehead. Patamon continued to watch as a look of pain formed across his friend's face.

TK's eyes suddenly shot wide open as he lurched forward. He gasped for air as he sat up in bed. The blonde boy quickly pulled his knees up and rested his folded arms and head on them. He was panting heavily as he wiped the sweat off his face with his green bed covers. TK remained in that position for several minutes as he tried to regain his breath and clear his mind of the images from his nightmare.

"That was the longest nightmare I can ever remember you having. What happened this time?" Patamon's concern was clear in his voice as he broke the silence. His sight remained fixed on his partner while he waited for a reply.

TK took a deep breath and composed himself. "He got you, Matt and most of our friends, killing them off one by one. Then Neodevimon got to Kari. I couldn't save her and he handed her to those shadow creatures that live in the Dark Ocean. I woke up after they carried her off to their world."

Patamon flew over to the blonde teen and landed on his left shoulder. He placed his right paw on the back of TK's head in a supportive gesture. "You know we'll never let that happen. We will keep them all safe."

"I don't know how much more of this I can take, Patamon," TK lifted his head off his knees and faced his Digimon. The blonde boy looked into the eyes of the rookie Digimon perched on his left shoulder. "We need to end this."

"I couldn't agree more," Patamon nodded in reply as a determined expression formed on his face.

"Right, we're going to face Neodevimon later today," TK's expression changed to match his partner's. "I'll email the others in the morning and let them know we'll be going to the Digital World later. Until then, you'd better get some rest. You'll need all the energy you can get for the battle."

"You had better get some rest too, TK," Patamon answered as he jumped off the teen boy's shoulder and back onto the bed. "You will need your strength too."

The Takaishi apartment was silent. Nancy, TK's mother, had gone to the shops to get food for the next week while TK sat with Patamon on one of the black and grey sofas. The teen boy and rookie Digimon were deep in thought about their approaching battle. They had sent emails around the Digidestined earlier about the battle and they were due to meet the others at Izzy's apartment in an hour.

The doorbell rang, making the occupants of the apartment jump as it broke the silence. TK stood up and strolled over to the door. The blonde boy turned the key in the lock and opened the main entrance. A hope filled and welcoming smile spread across his face as he stood back to allow the visitors into his home. "Hi Kari. Hi Gatomon. Come in."

"Thanks," Kari replied as she stepped into the apartment and watched Gatomon sprint off to Patamon. The brunette girl bent down to take her shoes off as TK closed the apartment door behind her.

TK watched his girlfriend place her pink and white footwear on the shoe rack and stand back up. Their eyes instantly made contact. TK studied her face with a look of concern. He could tell she had not been sleeping well from the tiredness shown by her mahogany orbs. The teen boy found his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. Kari willing returned the embrace by wrapping her arms around his neck before she rested her head against his chest. TK rested his chin on her soft chocolate brown hair as the couple entered a comfortable silence that lasted several minutes.

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