Chapter 6: Stalemate

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"TK!" The others screamed as they turned to the computer and watched TK and Patamon being sucked into the monitor and transported into the Digital realm.

"He'll kill you!" Davis yelled but was too late to stop him.

"We have to stop him," Ken tried to stand up but was pinned back to the bed by Yolei, who was determined to make sure her boyfriend wasn't attacked for the second time that day.

"I'll get him back," Davis growled as he pulled out his D3 and marched over to Izzy's computer.

"Don't Davis," Kari warned her friend as she moved to block the goggle-head's path.

"What? Why?" A look of shock and surprise spread across Davis' face. He couldn't believe that Kari, TK's best friend, was stopping him from saving the blonde teen. His astonishment grew when he stared into Kari's eyes and noticed the stern glare she was giving him. She looked as if she was actually willing to use force to stop him.

"What did this Digimon look like?" Kari demanded, not taking her eyes off Davis.

"He looked like Devimon but different, like he had digivolved," Ken replied as Yolei finally let him sit up on the bed.

Kari took note of the gasps from Izzy, Tentomon, Cody and Armadillomon as she turned to the computer monitor behind her. The teen girl placed her hands on the desk and stared at the screen in deep thought. She sighed and turned back around to face the others. "We'll give TK twenty minutes and then, if he's not back, Cody, Izzy and I will go and get him."

"What? TK won't last two minutes against this Digimon!" Davis shouted in disbelief and he clenched his fists so tight that his nails began to dig into his palms.

"Davis, trust me, the last thing TK will want is all of us chasing after him right now," Cody joined Kari next to the computer to ensure Davis would not get by.

"And don't underestimate TK and Patamon. They were an equal match for Blackwargreymon and easily beat Piedmon, who was the strongest Dark Master," Kari added, more to reassure herself of her own decision than to convince Davis.

"They'll be able to look after themselves," Gatomon added in a noticeably more confident tone than the others.

"Kari's right," Izzy stopped Davis before the goggle-head could reply. "If this Digimon is Devimon then TK might by the only person who can stop him."

"I can't believe you're letting him do this!" Davis growled as he sat on the floor in defeat. The brown haired boy punched the ground out of his frustration and anger at the whole situation.

The white light of the digital gate opened, allowing TK to set foot onto the cold and rocky surface of Infinity Mountain. A harsh, bitter wind slammed into his body, ruffling his clothes and sending shivers up his spine. The blonde teen instantly felt the darkness that surrounded the peak and quickly looked around to ensure he wasn't already under attack.

After making sure the area was safe, he turned to face Patamon who was hovering to his left. TK noted the rookie Digimon was glancing around nervously too. "You better digivolve to ultimate, Patamon."

"Right," Patamon nodded as he few up off into the air. A white beam of light emitted from TK's digivice and encapsulated the Digimon's body. "Patamon digivolve to Angemon. Angemon digivolve to Magnaangemon."

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