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"Were we really that obvious even back then?" Joseph-- The older Joseph that is, scratched his head as his children seemed to gang up against his younger self all the while doting over you.

"I do recall how you trailed and pined after me before you proposed, cara" A self-satisfied smile slithered its way upon your aged but still beautiful face. "You were just like an overgrown puppy to be honest. Why, Caesar even joked about having you neutered when he still didn't approve of you for me"

"Caesar said WHAT"

"Nothing, dear~" You hugged his muscular arm to your chest and pressed a kiss to his temple, stopping him mid-sentence and practically reducing him into a pile of goo with how he seemed to melt under your attention.

"Yare yare daze. Can you two act like your actual age for once?" Jotaro pulled down the bill of his cap, trying to obscure his own embarrassed flush at the sheer audacity of his grandparents to act like a couple of teenagers even in front of their ACTUAL teenaged versions.

Sometimes he really wishes that he had a normal family.

"When you live with them and see this kind of stuff all the time, you get used to it in the end" Jonah rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly as he ran his hand through windswept blond locks, having grown used to the lovey-dovey antics of his mother and father even in their old age. "The last time we made fun of them for acting like teenagers at their age they ended up producing Josephine"

Josephine Joestar, the youngest of the Joestar siblings and a complete & utter daddy's girl. The circumstances which lead to her conception and subsequent birth were almost comical.

But that's a story for another day.

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