Thoughts and feelings

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing Toni?" He repeated.

"I don't understand what you mean." Toni replied.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

Cheryl was in her room pacing back and forth as she tried to take deep breathes to calm herself down. "I will humiliate her, I will make her wish she wasn't born! You saw how she talks to me?" She asked her best friend who had an annoyed look on her face.

"I did," She replied flatly.

"She says she wants to teach me how to treat people!" Cheryl stated in disbelief. "This isn't the first time she said that to me!"

"Cheryl do you want me to be honest with you?" Veronica rushed out. "You are overdoing it!"

"I am allowing her to live in my house, Veronica. She should be thankful for that, isn't it enough I take in her guests? She's unbelievable!"

By the time it was night, Toni and Sweetpea were sitting in the backyard when her best friend spoke what he was thinking. "You like her don't you?"

Toni laughed. "What are you talking about?" She asked as her heart was beating fast.

"Cheryl is a beautiful woman." Sweetpea stated.

"I won't deny that she is beautiful, but that's the only thing good thing about her. She's impolite, rude and she has a black heart. She loves to see everyone around her miserable just to feel satisfied."

"I saw how you look at each other Toni. I thought that maybe..." He trailed off.

"Don't even think about it. I am only getting close to her to know what the hell happened in this house. There are a lot of weird things that are going on. For example, Veronica is a nurse, and all this time I thought she was her best friend and living here with her."

"And?" He asked confused. "I'm not understanding."

"It appears that Larry hired her and paid triple her salary for her to live here."

"What? Why?" The man asked frowning.

"I don't know, why would Cheryl ask him to allow Veronica to live with them? And don't you think it's a coincidence? Veronica is a nurse, she knows about pills and poison."

"Don't," Sweetpea said shaking his head. "Don't go there Toni."

"Do you have any other explanation?" She asked her best friend.

"I don't."

"Cheryl hates Larry, she always talked about him in a bad way. She locks herself in her room for days. Elissa told me that Cheryl isn't normal, she also told me that she used to lock herself four to five days and sometimes fifteen days in her room. She doesn't allow anyone to enter but her best friend. She takes a pile of pills and I also noticed that the light in her room is always on. Which means she doesn't sleep at night. Can you explain to me how Larry married her? And why? And how about the last thing Veronica told us? That her father doesn't speak to her since the moment she married Larry."

"Do you think it's true?" The brunette man asked his best friend.

"If I had a daughter like Cheryl I'd disown her." Toni replied shaking her head. "Did you notice what Veronica said?"

"When?" The man inquired.

"When I asked her why Cheryl didn't or doesn't help her father. She said how could she help him? I don't understand, couldn't my uncle arrange a small payment each month for him like I do with my aunts? Larry takes thousands of dollars from the wine factory and the company's income is millions and he knows that I won't ask him about the money."

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