Taehyung wasn't aware of the place he was running onto, of course it was the forest that goes along the side of the single road. Till now, Taehyung has been successful in running away and facing no problem. He was tired, alot and Hansol was sleeping thankfully, not walking up even because of Taehyung's hastily stepping.

He doesn't know where he's going, he doesn't know where the orphanage he used to live in was, the city he knew but he didn't know how to get there.

If Taehyung wasn't so scared and madly in rush of escaping two years ago, he would've stopped and admired the beauty of the forest. Now, that he knows he's fairly far and he's sure no one would be looking for him, he stops and takes in the soft yet intimidating beauty of nature.

He looks at the sky, the trees cover it yet it's dark, the sun rays fail to pass through the thick shield of clouds and what's more beautiful is the snow from two days prior that still is present in patches around Taehyung.

"Pretty." Taehyung utters. The sound his steps are making are oddly satisfying and Taehyung closes his eyes, let's the cold wind dance across his face, messing his hair that are on his forehead, rest hidden under the cover up of the jacket.

Taehyung's eyes fall on the big tree and he decides to sit under it. He does so, putting Hansol in his lap now and the pup squirms a little, his nose and cheeks red due to cold.

"I'm sorry baby." Taehyung whispers as he softly touches Hansol's nose.

"I couldn't provide you a place to live. A place that is our own. I can't give you anything." Taehyung desperately says and Hansol squirms, opens his eyes.

Taehyung is so grateful of God for blessing him with Hansol, the pup, just being ten months old, understands what Taehyung feels.

"I don't care if I suffer but I don't want you to get hurt. Why do you have to suffer with me? Oh what did you even do?" Taehyung's eyes fill with tears and Hansol seeks his warmth.

"It's you who deserve all that's inside Jeongguk's house, the luxury and love but I couldn't stay there with you if we are a cause of his mess." A tear rolls down his cheek and Hansol whines.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything." Taehyung says, kissing Hansol all over his face, the pup giggling at the sensation and Taehyung smiles.

"We'll find a way. I won't let you suffer like I did. Never." Taehyung promises, though he didn't know how he'll fulfill that promise.

After a moment of peace, Taehyung hears the ruffling and he almost forgot that he is alone in the forest and there could be any danger lingering around, rogues may or may not be here but still.

Taehyung gets up, forgets to grab the bag which had Hansol's feed and he runs away from where the sound came from. He hears it again, this time louder, from closer and then the the scent of forest fades away---

Gets replaced by a stronger and sweeter one and Taehyung's eyes widen, running steps falter for a moment because there's no way this is happening---this can't be happening---

Jeonggukk---how did he find me? Taehyung really thought he was far enough. No one was home and Seokjin was supposed to come after few hours. No one---no one was supposed to come after him.

Then for a moment, a mere second---he thinks that what if his presence really---really mattered.

Nonsense, stop thinking that.

Taehyung is sure his legs are about to give up, he can't run long with his pup in his arms---who has slowly started to sob at the rough and hasty movements.

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