Chapter 7

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                I stepped in front of my full-length mirror while I put on my earrings. I decided to wear diamond studs that would go well with the crystals on my dress. After putting it on, I glanced in the mirror one last time. I couldn't help but smile. I looked good. My dress was gorgeous and it complemented my body well. I had my hair up in a bun with a few loose curls on the side.

"Wow! You look beautiful mommy!" said a smiling Alyssa as she pushed my bedroom door open. She stood in front of me, her hand stretch out to my dress to softly touch the crystals, seemingly afraid she might ruin them. Yet, there was no hiding the sparkle in her eyes. She looked like her dad but she was just like me. She loved beautiful dresses.

"Thank you darling." I crouched in front of her to give her a kiss.

"Now, be a good girl for Marie okay? Be sure to be in bed by 8 o'clock and don't forget to brush your teeth." I reminded her as I grabbed her hand and made our way downstairs.

Marie was already waiting for us at the foot of the stairs. Thank God for her! She lived with us on weekdays but on weekends, I give her some time off so she stays with her daughter and grand kids. I didn't like this ball being on a Monday but now, I'm glad. I didn't have to feel guilty about asking her to stay and keep Alyssa company while I was out.

"I've got her Mel, don't worry about her."

I responded with a smile and gave my little darling one more kiss as I head out the door. Henry was already waiting by the car and upon seeing me, had the door open for me.

The venue was just a few minutes drive but today being a Monday, traffic was expected so I leaned back into a comfortable position hoping to relax my nerves. However, I was just pulled back into deep thought about what happened last week and frankly, I can't help feeling nervous about this ball today. What if I see him there today? I wasn't ready for anything yet. Our meeting was scheduled on Wednesday, that's two days from now and I hadn't acknowledged it until now. I kept putting it at the back of my mind hoping that by not thinking about it, it wasn't going to happen. But who am I kidding? I could barely get any work done today. I had to re-read each document I had to review today.

"We're here Mel." Henry pulled me out from my thoughts as he opened the door for me. I can't believe how preoccupied I have been that I hadn't noticed that we stopped.

With one deep breath I held out my hand to Henry's open hand allowing him to assist me out of the car. I gave him a nod while I put on the brightest smile for the cameras. There were a lot of press out here today. Can't blame them though, this was one of the biggest ball this season.

"Miss Maude! Can we take a picture please?"

"Of course"

I smiled even wider as I walked a few steps more towards the middle of the red carpet and give them what they wanted. I was used to this by now. This was the one thing I did not like about who I am now but this was part of being in this industry. I love my job so I have learned to love this as well. It went on for a couple more minutes. I was happy to tell them I was wearing one of my own and that made them even more frantic to get pictures.

I made my way down the massive staircase meaning to join the ball that was already in full swing. Just as I reached the last step, I quickly got a glass of sparkling from the waiter that luckily was passing by. I quickly downed it hoping nobody would notice. I need to calm my nerves.

"A minute into the ball and here you are getting yourself drunk." I heard someone say behind me just as a warm hand snaked its way around my hips turning me around.

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