The Punks Don't Approve

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Percy slammed his locker door shut and walked down the halls of Goode High, his combat boots slapping against the tiled floor. He shouldered his black backpack as he stepped foot outside, hence it was the end of the day, and looked around for his group of friends. He spotted the small group standing but the trees near the parking lot and walked over to them. "Hey, guys." He greeted and his friends waved back.

"Hey, Perce." His other punk friend, Eric, greeted him. "We were planning on heading down to the alley downtown. The word is that there's going to be some fights."

"Yeah," Angelina, Eric's punk girlfriend said, popping her bubble gum. "You should come with Perce." She flipped her blonde hair with blue tips over her shoulder and readjusted her maroon tank top that had low sleeves, showing her black sports bra.

"Well, actually, I was thinking we could go to my place to hand out." Percy shrugged and stuffed his hands into his black leather jacket's pockets.

"I'll come. Don't feel like fighting today." His other punk friend, Anthony admitted.

"Wuss." Eric sneered, his arm around Angelina.

Anthony held up his hands. "Not a wuss, just not feeling the vibe." He frowned at them. "Oh, come on, guys! Let's not go to jail tonight."

Angelina crossed her arms and blew a bright pink bubble with her gum. "Fine, but there better be good food, music, and pizza. Ether wise I'm dipping."

"We'll order pizza." Percy told her, heading over to his motorcycle and placing his helmet on his head, his friends getting on their bikes behind him. "Aye, Eric! Text our other punk friends too." Eric nodded and typed a couple things into his phone then stuffed it back into his pocket before speeding off after Percy to his apartment.


His friends and him walked up the stairs to the third floor and Percy felt around his back pockets for his keys, taking them out and unlocking the door. They stepped inside, taking their boots off and settling into the living room. "So cool that your mom let you have your own apartment." Angelina nodded, glancing around the apartment from on top of Eric's lap.

"It's in the same building." He shrugged. "That's really the only reason she allowed it." He stood and turned on the TV, placing a video game into the Xbox and handing his friends some controllers before he dialed a number on his phone. "Yes... Pepperoni and you."

"What's that about?" Anthony asked, killing off Angelina's character in a fist fighting game.

"Bitch." She muttered, starting a game over.

"Pizza." Percy plopped down onto the couch and joined the game, his characters punching, kicking, hitting, anything that would get him to win in a fight. "When's the other punks coming over?"

"Around a half an hour." Eric, replied, punching Anthony's character in the face.

Their other punk friends consisted of, Lydia, Jacob, and Blaire. Lydia, black hair, black tank tops, black ripped jeans, combat boots, spiked wristbands. and bright green eyes surrounded by black eyeliner. Jacob, blonde hair with dyed tips, black ripped punk band T-shirts, ripped black jeans, combat boots that were falling apart, eyebrow and ear piercings, and tattoos up and down his arms. Blaire, a sweet girl who could kick your ass. She had brown hair that was always tied up into a bun, black crop tops, black jeans, worn out black converse, black bicep bands, and chains hanging down from her jeans.

After many rounds of this video game they were playing, the door slammed open and in walked their other friends, arguing loudly. "No, I socked him right in the face" Blaire sneered at Jacob.

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