Birthdays :(

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Hey guys, so just a little update, one thanks so much for 80 reads, I know some people have so many more reads, but it means a lot that really anyone has read my story. :) And second every night I'm going to try and give myself at least an hour to just write, so I'll hopefully get some ideas out, but also request some things. Alright that's it for this update.

Hey, I hope you enjoy this it's kinda sad:(, but i end all of my notes with a smiley face so...:)


Tony's POV (trying something different)

Today was one of the few days that I actually hated. I pretend to hate most days, but today is the one that usually hurts and makes me the most upset. Today is my mom's birthday, I miss her a lot. I may not have gotten a lot from my father, but my mom was there every time telling me how good I was doing when my dad didn't. 

Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey knew to leave me alone on today of all days and I'm just tinkering in my lab trying to stop my mind from remembering her. If I'm being honest I'm still not over her death, it just broke me then and hurts about the same now. I shake my head to try and get rid of the thoughts that are starting to break through. 

About two hours later I hear a knock on the lab door, "I thought I told you all to leave me alone, I thought you would know better!" I almost yell towards the door. I really don't want to be bugged and whoever it is brought me out of my concentrated thoughts. When I don't hear anything back I look up and see Peter standing outside the doors. Shit its Friday, he's supposed to come work in the lab today I think to myself. "Hey Pete, I thought you were someone else. Come in." I say as I wave him into the lab, but he doesn't move. Fuck!

"Umm... i-it's okay Mr.Stark, I-I didn't know you didn't w-want company today." Pete says back to me. I go to say something again, but he runs up the stairs and I hear him open the elevator. The kid only stutters when he gets scared or nervous and I just yelled at him. Definitely both. "FRI, don't let him leave, tell him I'm sorry and I'm coming to him." I yell at my AI. "Yes Sir." she says back.

When I get down to the lobby I see the receptionist talking to Peter and give her a polite smile. "Hey Pete, can you come back up to my lab so that I can explain what happened?" I ask him and he just nods his head and looks at the floor. Stupid Tony is all I can think to myself as we head back to the elevator. 

When we get back to the lab I sit down on the couch and pat next to me. Peter thankfully notices and comes to sit next to me, but not as close as usual. "Pete, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. I just forgot that you were coming today and I forgot to tell you what today was." I say as I take a breath, " It's my mom's birthday and I always really miss her ,today especially, so I get in a cranky mood and then I lash out on people so, I'm really sorry Peter." I say as I look at him waiting for him to meet my eyes.

It takes him a few seconds, but he then meets my eyes, "I'm sorry Mr. Stark I didn't know and if I did I wouldn't have come, but no one told me." He practically rushes through every word of the sentence. He starts to stand up, but I grab his arm and pull him to sit back down. "No, Pete, it's okay. I could actually use you as a distraction today, but I'm going to need your craziness alright." I say with a chuckle. "Mr. Stark?" he says giving me a concerned look, "Yeah kid?" I say giving him a confused look. "I understand what you're going through." he says and just looks at me, I still give him a confused look. "Ya know, on my parents and Ben's birthday I get really sad and I don't want to be around people either because it is hard. So I understand how you felt today." He says with a small smile.

For a moment I forgot how much this kid had been through before I met him. I just give him a small smile back, "Movie?" I ask. "Star Wars?" he says looking at me with hope in his eyes. "Of course kid, how could I say no to Star Wars?" He immediately perks up as I say this. Before I can even laugh at the kid he's running up the stairs to the family room. 

When I got up there he had the blankets out and snacks ready. "Alright FRI dim the lights and play Star Wars." I tell my AI. "Of course sir." She says back as the lights dim and the T.V. turns on. 

We're 3 Star Wars movies in and have already ate 3 pizzas. Even I'm starting to get tired, but I have felt better ever since Peter came over. He has definitely kept me preoccupied. I suddenly feel something hit my shoulder and look down. Peter is snuggled up against me and I definitely am not loving every second of it. I'm not! "Good night Pete." I say as I start running my hand through his curls (I don't know why, but it really calms the kid). "Night dad." He says before he is out like a light.

"FRI, you got that right?" I whisper and look at the ceiling, she's not in the ceiling, but I've picked up the habit from Peter. "Saving to Pete/My Kid." I hear whispered back. I smile contently at Peter and lay my head back. He really can change any mood huh?  I think to myself before I drift to sleep.

I hope you liked that, I had a lot of fun writing it :)

Word count: 1025

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