The Field Trip (Part 2)

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Alright so starting part 2. Again bare with me and correct me if I make any mistakes. Enjoy. :)


Peter sat down very nervously and couldn't tell what Mr.Stark's emotions were. Tony could tell that Peter was nervous because the kid couldn't even try to hide his emotions, he always showed them on his face. "Kid it's alright I'm not mad at you" As soon as he said that Peter let out a huge sigh and couldn't contain his smile. His mentor wasn't mad at him. Wait then why did they need to talk, that was the first thing that went through his mind. "Kid it's alright I just want to talk about the field trip." Oh yeah Peter had forgotten all about what was going to happen tomorrow.

After a long conversation between the two they had decided that they would just act like they usually would when Peter went to the tower. They weren't going to ask the other interns or employees to pretend that they didn't know him, because you know what, maybe Peter did want to shove it in Flash's face that he was an "intern" at stark industries.

"Bye Mr.Stark" Peter said as Mr.Stark left and May walked in. 

"Hey honey, did you eat like I asked?" May questioned Peter. "Yeah I did, Mr.Stark ate with me." He said with the biggest smile on his face. May was happy to see Peter like himself again. Ever since his and Tony's fight he hadn't been the same and now his light was back. That was until he remembered what was going on tomorrow.

(Time skip to morning)

Peter woke up already regretting what was about to happen, even though he loved the fact that people would finally believe he hated that fact that it had to happen. He got up got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. He saw that May had left him a note and she was already gone. Great, just a great way to start the day. Peter ate his breakfast grabbed his backpack and started walking to school just in time to catch the bus.

"Glad you could make it Peter." Mr.Harrington said as he was the last one to show up. " I'm always here sir" Peter mumbled under his breathe so quiet only he could hear it. He walked onto the bus and immediately went to his seat next to Ned. They always sat together on the bus, as well as MJ always being in front or behind them with a book. Peter immediately started telling Ned about the conversation him and Mr.Stark had the night before.

Before Peter had even finished his story they were at the tower. Mr.Harrington went through the rules, mostly just staying together and not touching things that either look dangerous or they are told not to touch. Then they were lead inside where they met Marissa, an intern and their tour guide for the day.

"Hello everyone, my name is Marissa and I'll be showing you around today." She said with a smile. She was one of the sweetest people Peter had met and when her eyes met his he smiled at her and she was very excited to see him, but she had to finish the introduction. "Alright so in just a few minutes you will be getting a badge and you need to keep it clear and visible the entire time because our head or security is a little OCD about them. Also please do not lose them we have a strict policy on reprinting badges and that policy is that we don't. " She said as she started calling out names and giving them the badges.

"As you can see you have grey level two. There is no difference between the color and the level. There are 5 colors and 5 levels, they both correspond with each other. White level one is for reporters and paparazzi when they come, grey level two is for tour groups like yourself, yellow level three is for lower interns and receptionists, red level four is for higher interns and scientist, and finally black level five is for the avengers, Ms.Potts, Tony Stark, and Mr.Parker. Although the way their badges are printed are all different, depending on their job." She finished the long spiel and walked over to the security scanner. Before anyone in the class followed her over they all looked at Peter and he could feel Flash's glare burning into the back of his head and was just hoping that he wouldn't say anything about it.

"Alright when you walk through you are going to have your badge level and name called out." Marissa walked to the scanner and scanned her badge, "Marissa Tohill, red level four. Welcome back." FRIDAY said as she walked through the gate. The class all looked at her with shock on their faces. "That was FRIDAY, Tony Stark's AI, she runs the entire tower so if you need anything ask her." The kids started lining up to scan their badges excited to have their name called out, but Flash had a different idea first. " Hey FRIDAY why does Parker have the highest level clearance." Flash called out. "Peter Parker is Tony Stark's personal intern and must have the same clearance as him to be able to go with him and get whatever he may need." FRIDAY responded. Flash opened his mouth to talk again, but FRIDAY cut him off, "Any other information on this subject is classified and is not allowed to be talked about to someone of your clearance." She responded with as much sass as a AI can have.

Everyone went through the scanners and even though Marissa already told them Peter had the high clearance they all looked at him when FRIDAY called out his clearance and asked if he wanted her to inform boss of his arrival. " No it's okay FRI, that's not necessary!" Peter immediately responded slightly louder than he need to. Mr. Stark may know that Peter is coming today, but he most definitely didn't need to be informed that he was already there. Peter knew FRIDAY had already told Mr.Stark before she asked, but he always had hope that maybe she hadn't.

"Well our first stop is going to be the lower interns lab, so if you will please come and follow me." Marissa said as she went over and pressed the button for the elevator. Everyone followed her onto the elevator. "Hey FRIDAY can you take us up to floor 7" Marissa asked and the elevator doors closed and they started moving up.

Okay so I'm going to make a part three as the final part because I don't want to make these too long. Sorry for not having too much irondad yet, I promise it will be coming I just gotta get there. I really like getting into back stories so that's why I did this. If you like it let me know and if you didn't also let me know. :)

Word count:1107 

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