

The next thing she knew was pitch black.

• Gudako turned into... A demon? Maybe?

Something's moving. What's it? It's annoying. I'm still sleepy, goddammit.

...Wait, it's my body. My whole body is shaking.

Eh? Why's so pitch black? Why do I locked in sitting position?

Don't tell me, it's--



The young girl stopped her screaming and looking down at the source of sound. It's a bunch of hairs. A talking hair?

...Oh. It's Ritsuka! And I'm in the middle of piggyback, silly me.

"Gudako," Ritsuka gently dropped her on the ground with teary eyes. His smile was wide but full of sadness, it broke her heart. "I-I'm glad you're still alive... Oh, you made me so scared back then!"

"R-Ritsuka-nii..." Gudako could feel tears swelled. The tragedy that had fallen slowly dawned upon her. "I-I'm sorry, I couldn't protect them! Even though I am the second oldest, I--"

"Hush, you," Her cries were muffled into Ritsuka's chest. "It can't be helped. We are no longer had the same strength as our past self. I know you had done your best."

"U-uu..." Her hand slowly clinged on his haori and then cried. Ritsuka held her tight and let out his tears in silence.

They stayed at the same position until Gudako patted Ritsuka's back gently. "It's alright now," she murmured. Ritsuka complied.

"...What now?" she softly asked. The older man only shrugged helplessly.

"We bury their bodies first," he said. "But after that... I don't know. The killer's scent was too complex, not unlike a shapeshifter, so-" he abruptly stopped his words and scream,


• It's Giyuu the Tapioca Boi time.

"Move," the swordman ordered. Ritsuka growled, trying to hide Gudako from his' view. "She is now no longer a human. Don't be fooled by her appearance. She might look okay now, but sooner or later she will succumb into her desire and eat you."

Tick. For some reason, Gudako felt pissed. How could him, a stranger, made an assumption of her?

Giyuu glared at Gudako's who was facing the snow, and said, "Look at her eyes and teeth. Sharp fang, silted pupil. The demon blood got into her system and now she become demon."

Tick. Tick.

"Gudako will never eat human!" replied Ritsuka hotly. He was too angry to mention her current name, not that both of them minded. "Please, don't kill her!"

"Don't leave yourself so defenseless in front of an enemy!"


"Aaaaargh!" Out of reflex, Gudako threw a rock to Giyuu and snarled. "Stop yelling at my brother! Do you think he doesn't know that!? Well, yeah he is too kind and seriously a degenerate dumbass-"


"But he's my one and only big brother! Don't bully him you stupid, friendless, emo guy!"

It seemed she hit the sore spot, as the man stunned at her insult. Gudako kept snarling while stood in between. No one bully Ritsuka on her watch!

Ritsuka tugged her tight kimono--hey, it felt so tight now she wondered why--and whispered, "Gudako, stop it, you embarassing me-"

"Can't stop won't stop Ritsuka," The older man groaned at the reference but she didn't care. She had someone to bully, or if she had to, attack. "You said I'm a demon and can't eat anything except human flesh? Watch this! Oi, Ritsuka, pass me your onigiri."

"But it's dir--"

"Oh my god just give it to me or I'll tickle you to death."

((Meanwhile, Giyuu was contemplating whether the young kid's words are true or not. Looking at their quirky dynamics and how the demon still keeping her sanity intact, maybe, she was...))

"--fine! Here!" Ritsuka grumbled as he passed the squashed rice ball. "Have fun eating dirt and wool."

"Awesome!" She grinned at the Demon Slayer. "Now watch this asshole."

Gudako opened her mouth widely and,

munched the food. Happily.

Giyuu could feel his jaw dropped.

"Mmm, good as always!" Gudako held her cheek in delight. "Too bad we can't have fish in winter. Still, it's good!"

Ritsuka sighed in relief as Giyuu lowered his sword. "But, germs..." he lamented.

Gudako gave him a flipping bird. "Sod off. Demon can't get sick. Right, Emo man?"

Giyuu was startled with the sudden question and nod. "...Yes, demon is immune with majority of poison," he murmured slowly. Gudako smiled in triumph.


"Oh, c'mon, stop it!"

Giyuu watched in bewilderment as the two sibling bickered with each other. The demon--no, girl, had shrank back to her normal size. It seemed she didn't realize that.

A stubborn yet kind boy and chaotic yet able to maintain her humanity demon girl...

Maybe, this one still had hope.

A Jar of Unfinished DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now