Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected Escape

Start from the beginning

The officer unzips his pants and pulls out his dick while he unties my wrists. Once my wrists are free he pulls the rope hard and I'm suspended in the air by the noose. Choking. My hands instantly target the rope around my neck and tries to pry it off. My legs are kicking the air trying to give me a boost. I'm suffocating. I can see the policeman stroking himself faster and faster watching me struggle for air. Why am I even fighting? This is good. This is what I wanted, for it to end. I think as tears stream down my face. Everything is starting to get dark and blurry. I shut my eyes anticipating death's sweet embrace. However, I can never really get what I want. Instead of internal slumber, t with the cold ground and man standing over mean with a serene look one. He zips up his pants and ties my wrists to the pole again and leaves the basement.

I sit there in silence waiting for the doctor and like routine the basement door opens and down comes the doctor. He unties me takes me to the table in the corner and lays me down on my stomach and straps my arms and legs. He looks at the damage and puts an ointment on my hand and wraps it up in bandages. I just stare at the ground not wanting to live anymore. It's my fault anyway. "I'm sorry," I say.



"Making a mess."

"Good. You should be." He says. with a smirk and this look on his face when he wants to try something new. I watch him as he prepares a needle and thread. "What are you doing?" I ask obviously frightened. He walks over to me. "The female anatomy is just amazing. Even after she gives birth she just pops back into place. Like a rubber band just as tight as she was before even after all the trauma. I'm just seeing how much tight I can make you." He says with a corrupted smile on his face, no soon after he sticks the needle inside me and starts to sow my entrance. I start screaming in agony begging for him to stop but he just keeps on going I think I must've fainted from the pain because the next thing I see is the ceiling light. I look around and see that I'm not strapped to the table and I'm on my back. I sit up slowly I don't hurt myself even more but I still feel intense pain. I look down at myself and see that my torso is wrapped in bandages. I look around the room and see the doctor cleaning his tools. He must not have heard me. He probably thinks I'm still unconscious seeing that he unstrapped me everything.

I hop off the table quietly biting my lip to stop me from screaming out. I look around and see a metal tray. I go over to it and pick it up quietly. The doctor still doesn't seem to notice me yet. I quietly and slowly make my way to him just as he turns around I raise the tray and hit him across the head with it as hard as I can. The doctor falls onto the ground he looks unconscious but I hit him again just in case and drop the tray beside him. I take off his lab coat and start unbuttoning his shirt and take it off. I put on the t button it up and put the lab coat. I put my hands in the coat's pocket and find the needles the doctor used on me when I got shot. I leave it in the pocket and slowly make my way up the stairs and out of the basement.

When I reach the top I lock the basement door. Just in case if the doctor so happens to wake up. I walk over to the open space where the living room and kitchen are and find Luke laying down on the couch. Dozing off. I take out the yellow needle and walk over to him. I kneel down in front of him "My yellow friend is just to take the sting." I whisper softly to him and as I stick them in his arm. As soon I pull the needle from his arm his eyes shoot open and look surprised by how I got out. I don't care though I pull the blue needle out and stick him again. "My blue friend you'll barely feel a thing," I repeat the doctor's words when he first did this to me. Luke doesn't even realize that stuck him with a needle until he starts feeling the medication but it's too late for that now. Luke grabs me by my neck, confused and angry he pushes me down to the ground. Pinning me against the floor. "What. THE FUCK. Do you THINK you're doing?!" He spits at me his words coming out a little slurred. I feel scared right now, to be honest bu,t I feel like I'm not controlling myself. I feel like someone else is controlling my body and I'm just in the background watching it all unfold. I take out the third and final needle from my pocket.

"And after my red friend, you'll never see me again," I say smirking, sticking him with the last needle and as soon as I do he just collapses onto me. I struggle a bit to push his heavy body off of me but I somehow manage to get him off. Now that he's knocked out I find myself grabbing his keys and making my way towards the door. As soon as I leave the cabin my legs give out on me and I fall onto my knees. I begin crying. I'm in shock. I feel like I can breathe. As soon as I can get in control myself again I get up and distance myself from the cabin. I'm walking for a long while until I find a road. I'm walking alongside it for a long while. It's dark now but luckily I find Luke's car on the side of the road. I get in the car and sit in the front seat for a little. I didn't expect to actually find his car.

I just took the keys just to slow him down and use it as a weapon if he woke up. I put the keys in and start the car. My hands start trembling but I put my hands on the wheel as firmly as possible. I honestly didn't think I was gonna leave that place alive I think to myself as I turn on the headlights and drive off far from this place leaving it behind me. I catch a glance at myself in the mirror seeing some black and white strands of hair. I pass it off as dirt and powder. I can see the busted lip and bruises on my face, I shake my head look straight ahead focusing back at the road ahead. Thinking to myself how I never want to see this place again.

A/N: I know this chapter is pretty long but I've been up for a while writing it, I'm trying to get things rolling so I hope you enjoy it. Again sorry for the grammar and stuff or if things don't make any sense sometimes lol I'm aware of it. I'll fix it when I get some sleep lol. Oh and if you get the reference good for you here's a donut. 🍩 xoxo 🙃

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