Big top Energy ||5||

Start from the beginning

(Richie) "ok whatever. who do you like?"

(Eddie) "that's easy I don't like anyone" Richie puts his head down

(Richie) "you don't like me" he says with a pouty face

(Eddie) No...I do...but just as a friend. I'm just saying I don't LIKE like someone

(Richie) "so you're saying that you've never liked anyone?"

(Eddie) "No, I did like someone at one time, but I'm not their type and it was just a stupid crush"

(Richie) "who is it!?"

(Eddie) "I'm not saying. It's in the past"

(Richie) "do I know them?"

(Eddie) "maybe you do, and maybe you don't"

(Eddie) "do you like someone Rich?"

(Richie) "it's not my turn. But I do like someone. and they like me back"

(Eddie) "WHO is IT!?" Eddie says kinda loud

(Richie) "Your MOM"


(Eddie) "ok truth or dare"

(Richie) "truth"

(Eddie) "do you really like someone? and are they in the losers club? "

(Richie) "ok 1. That's two questions, and 2. Yes and I don't know "

(Eddie) "oh my god you like Bev"

(Richie) "ummm ooook"

(Richie) "your turn truth or dare"

(Eddie) "dare" he says it nervously

(Richie) "strip"

(Eddie) "you can't do the same dares"

(Richie) "FINE, I double dog dare you to kiss me" he pointed at his lips

(Eddie) "are you gay or something?"

(Richie) "No, just trying to see if YOU'RE gay or not"

(Eddie) "well.. I'm not"

(Richie) "how do you know? have you ever kissed a boy before?"

(Eddie) "No. but you just... KNOW...if you're gay or not, right?"

(Richie) "so what you're implying is that you don't know if you're gay or straight.."

(Eddie) "No, I'm just saying you know what you do and don't like"

(Richie) "well you won't know if you don't try"

(Richie) "kiss me and you'll find out" Richie gets closer to Eddie

(Eddie) "fine, no Homo though" Eddie steps in front of Richie. Eddie gets on his toes because Richie is taller than him he leans in and he starts to kiss Richie. Eddie puts he's hands around Richie's neck Richie starts to pull in closer into Eddie. Eddie starts to melt ("is this gay? Eddie thought to himself. "I said no homo so it should cancel it out")Richie's mouth is big and and it feels like he's taking the energy right out of him. It is Eddie's first kiss, but this feels so good to him. It feels right that Richie was his first.
Eddie pulls away because it feels like this has been going on for awhile, even though he didn't want it to stop. He loves that feeling when his body goes numb, but he still has control when he's holding on to his neck. Richie backs up, his face is a light pink tone, but so is Eddie's. Eddie moves and sits on the bed.

(Eddie) "I still didn't get a answer"

(Richie) "I did" he winks at Eddie

(Eddie) "so what, you're gay now?"

(Richie) "I don't know. but you are with a kiss like that. and I didn't take you for "Big top energy" but with hands like that-"

(Eddie) "not likely. and did you really think I was good at kissing? I in a no homo way.."

(Richie) "yeah. and if you're not gay, then you have to be bi for a kiss like that"

(Eddie) "well I'm not"

(Eddie) "Umm...hey what time is it"

(Richie) "it's 10:32"

(Eddie) "well I don't want to, but I need to go"

(Richie) "hey if you want you can spend the night but you don't have too. I could kiss you again. ;))"

(Eddie) "gross.. and yes, I want too. let me text my mom to let her know" Eddie Texts his mom that he's going to spend the night

(Eddie) "she said ok"

(Richie) "really? That's good. I'm going to take a shower. We can watch a movie or whatever when I get out"

(Eddie) "okay. can I pick a movie?"

(Richie) "sure just not a romantic movie"

(Eddie) "eww. never" Eddie giggled. Richie goes into his bathroom to take a shower Eddie was looking on Netflix to find something to watch, he finally found something.
Eddie is still waiting for Richie to get out of the shower. Why must he takes long showers...
~20 minutes later~
He finally gets out. Eddie can hear his wet feet on the cold bathroom floor. Richie opens the bathroom door and starts to walk out only in a towel on.

(Eddie) "Umm.....I hope you don't plan on staying like that when I'm laying with you..." Eddie is staring at his waist Eddie forgot how bony Richie was.

(Richie) "aww you don't want this body" Richie starts to do the Macarena

(Richie) "I'm just getting my clothes don't get to excited over there"

(Eddie) "well hurry, because I found something to watch"

(Richie) "what is it?"

(Eddie) "I can't say. You have to come here and find out"

(Richie) "it better be a comedy" Richie starts to put his clothes back on. He throws on an over sized Pink Floyd shirt and some baggy gray sweatpants with the strings hanging low.

(Eddie) "yes, it's a comedy" Richie hops on the bed. His hair is still wet. Eddie can smell his hair, it smells like green apple"

(Richie) "well what is it!"

(Eddie) "ok ok jeez. here" Eddie starts to play Waterboy with Adam Sandler. it's Eddie's and Richie's favorite movie with Adam Sandler.

(Richie) "OH MY GOD this is our favorite movie" Richie looks at Eddie and smiles

(Richie talks in cajun accent) "Now that's what I call high quality H2O" Eddie starts laughing. Eddie couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He can't forget the way it felt, the way he wanted to melt when Richie's mouth was on top of his lips.
Eddie doesn't know what to think. He doesn't know if it was because it was first kiss that's making him feel this way or if it is Richie that's making him feel like this.
Eddie is so confused right now, but all he knows is that he just wants to lay down next to Richie and watch WaterBoy.

Editor: What up, homos. It's me, ya boi, the editor.
This was honestly my favorite chapter to edit.. so.. I hope you enjoy it! If y'all cowards don't comment on this imma be mad.
Also, the author says she's sorry she hasn't updated in a few days, hopefully this reddie filled chapter makes up for it ;)
Anyways, toodles~

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