I'll Save you

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     Michael talks about how loving and caring Ms. Mead was and you felt something shift in the atmosphere. Michael notices it too, "a powerful presence." He mutters.

     "What do you mean, everyone's dead?" Ms. Mead says practically frightened.

     "Not anymore." Michael says as if it's obvious.

     You walk out of the room by Michael's side. The voices of Cordelia, Myrtle, Coco, Mallory, Madison, and Dinah fill the air. You walk down a different corridor, so they won't see you. It feels awful having to go against your coven, but they are too close minded. Michael has good in him, and he was manipulated into brining the apocalypse.

     "How can any of you defeat me, when I've already won." Michael says smugly. They bicker for a moment, and you finally walk to stand behind what is left of your coven. Michael looks at you with hurt in his eyes. Cordelia follows his gaze and turns around, "Y/N." She brings you into a hug "we couldn't find your body I thought you were gone." Cordelia lets a few tears fall down her face and she sighs in relief before turning back to Michael "we will stop you."

     "Hey, get the wax out of your ears I'm here to watch." Dinah says annoyed.

     "But I'm not," Coco walks in front of the coven. "Just don't let me die again okay, it really sucked the first time."

     Michael looks at everyone with bitterness, "when I'm done, you'll all wish you were still dead." He makes eye contact with you, and you notice tears in his eyes that look like they could fall at any moment.

     'Michael please, trust me. I'll save you I promise.' You look at him with pleading eyes hoping he'd read your thoughts. Michael lets out a heavy sigh and stands his ground.

     "Fall to your knees and accept me as your lord and savior..." every noise seemed to drown out as you thought about what to do.

     You didn't really have a plan, but you wouldn't let anyone hurt Michael. 'I can't kill all of them,' you were a powerful witch but not powerful enough to kill your coven. 'I need to know what Cordelia's plan is.'

     Chaos breaks out around you, when Ms. Mead explodes you are pulled out of your thoughts. Madison crawls to Ms. Mead's severed gun-arm and uses it to shoot Michael. It took a lot of effort not to scream and crawl over to his body, you bite your lip and look down. You know he's not dead, he was the son of Satan, but it still hurts to see him covered in his own blood. Myrtle rips off some of his hair and hands it to Mallory, "a personal item, remember dear focus on it. Locate a time and place where Michael-"

     'The time traveling spell!' You stand with Mallory and quickly think of what to do. 'I think I should wait till she casts the spell. I know I can save Michael.' You feel your heartbeat in your ears and your temperature suddenly drops. 'I'm going to have to kill Mallory.'  Vile comes up your stomach, you tried to hold it in, but you threw up.

     "Bullets alone won't kill him. He's grown too powerful; we have to find a place to do the spell before he wakes up." Cordelia says worriedly.

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