Taylor Swift - London Girl

Start from the beginning

You jolt upright – you swear you recognise that American voice. Someone from your apartment building, maybe? No, you don't know anyone from the US here. Surely no one you know can afford a whole new outfit from somewhere like this?

'Um, y/n, could you assist this customer?'

You nod as the manager leaves, and your eyes draw up towards the figure in front of you. Your gaze is met by a crystalline blue stare, from a woman taller than you. Her delicate (and somehow familiar) features are framed by striking angular eyebrows and dishevelled, blonde hair – dripping wet from the rain that must still be going. Dark eye makeup is streaked down her face, but the contrast only makes her eyes look an even more glittering blue. Her t-shirt and jeans also look completely soaked, and her frame is shivering slightly. You can't help but think how gorgeous she looks. She smiles and waves to catch your attention.

'Um, hey!'

You blink, realising that you've been staring at her like an idiot for the last minute or so.

'Sorry, hi, um what're you looking for today?' the words come out a garbled mess...somehow you feel intimidated by her presence.

She looks down at herself before replying, 'Um, everything, really.' She laughs, and you laugh along too.

'Haha, of course – looks like you really got caught in a downpour! I'm sure there's plenty that'll suit you...sorry, I didn't catch your name?'

She looks a little surprised, before answering 'It's Taylor.'

Why did she look at me like that? Oh god, maybe I know her from college or something and I'm being totally rude not to have recognised her. Anxious thoughts begin to swim around your head, but the awkward moment passes and she continues talking.

'Yeah, the rain was getting crazy, I just needed to get inside somewhere before my entire face washed away!' She heads over to the 'new in' corner of the shop and begins browsing. Entranced by her beauty and charm, as much as you want to follow her  you know store policy is not to be too invasive.

'Well, let me know if you need anything' you choke out. Your voice is at an embarrassingly high pitch compared to usual. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to notice; she nods back and winks at you. You feel yourself blushing.

You try not to glance over too much as she wonders around the softly lit room, selecting items carefully.

It's not long before she approaches you with an armful of clothes. 'So, where are the fitting rooms?'

You lead her over. 'I'll be back at the till if you need anything'

'Actually, could you wait here? I'm going to need a second opinion'

You nod, the request flooding you with excitement.

'This place has some really nice stuff – are you the buyer here?' she calls from behind the changing curtain.

'Oh god no – this is my first day working here, actually.'

'Oh no way! It's really cool'.

That slightly husky, maybe southern? Voice sounds so familiar...who is she?

Your thoughts are cut short as she opens the curtain and faces you. 

'What do you think? You can be totally honest with me, I've chosen some bad outfits before'

Taylor appears in a silken pine green bomber jacket. Beneath is a short black T-shirt dress, accentuating her legs perfectly. Her delicate features are framed by gold earrings and a chain necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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