Lana Del Rey - journeying

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Oneshot - Lana Del Rey x Reader

Note: implied gxg - nothing explicit. Just cornyyyy fluff rly.

Mid October, driving along what seems like an infinite highway into wilderness. Late afternoon sunlight dances through the thickets of pine trees on either side of your vehicle.

Lana is beside you, humming softly to Nick Drake's Riverman playing through your car's tinny speakers, videoing the passing view of trees and telephone wires.

You slow at a red light and go to squeeze her shoulder gently. She turns to you.

'Not too far now to our secret location. I hope you like it.'

You'd been planning this break for a while, ever since you knew Lana's latest tour finished its circuit in Canada you knew British Columbia would be the perfect destination for a secluded vacation. Away from the overbearing heat of California and the frenzied pace of Manhattan. You'd managed to finally book time off your hectic marketing job to hire a car and drive out to meet her at Vancouver.

'I can't wait. Just the journey has been so wonderful knowing it's not leading to another show! Thank you so much for taking time off work for this, really'

She turns to you, smiling affectionately.

'There's honestly no need to thank me! We both needed a real break babe, you especially. I promise no one will bother us here'

You were relieved to hear Lana's voice so relaxed and happy. Of course you admired her devotion to her art and public image, but you had begun see the toll it was taking on her more often than not. Press events had become particularly tough - you always saw a quietly distressed side of Lana appear on those velvet carpets behind the flashing lights. Even dressed like a 40s Hollywood starlet, all you could pay attention to on those nights was her slightly adrift, melancholic gaze – making her look so lost and vulnerable. She'd return to your apartment in an impenetrably dark mood, ignoring your attempts to comfort her to smoke alone on the balcony.

'It's like I can finally hear my own thoughts again.' She murmured, drawing you out of your worries. Her smile faltered suddenly.

'You okay babe?' you ask, glancing over briefly.

'I- I'm so sorry I've been so difficult recently, baby. I don't deserve you being this good to me when I've been such a hopeless girlfriend this summer.'

You sigh. It's been difficult for you at times, but you could never imagine the psychological weight of what Lana goes through for her career.

'Hey, don't say that. I know the press time around an album is always a lot for you. I haven't exactly been the most chilled out person with my job either.'

You can see her doe eyes glistening with tears on the edge of your vision.

'Babe, anyone in your position would be coping the same way, it's just as bad to watch you beat yourself up about getting stressed. We'll figure out ways to help you cope when we're back – all that matters is that we can spend this week together.'

You rub her shoulder reassuringly.

'And honestly, if any asshole critics slate you after all those killer live vocals I'm ready to fucking fight them'

Lana couldn't help but laugh, blushing lightly.

'I love you'

'I love you too, babe'


'Hey babe, looks like we're here' you whisper, switching the engine off.

Lana had drifted to sleep in the final hour of the drive. You wake the tall brunette up with a soft cheek kiss. She stirs and opens her eyes, the evening sunlight perfectly poised to illuminate her features with a warm honey colour. She gasps lightly at the view.

You get out the car, the crisp autumn air hitting your cheeks. In front of you was a softly lit, oak clad farmhouse with a balcony overlooking a still lake. Birdsong and the occasional rustling of leaves are the only sounds surrounding you.

'Well, this will be our home for the next week. We've got it all to ourselves; I've made sure the owners know we need privacy so no need to worry about any paps here.'

You turn to your girlfriend whose eyes are sparkling again with tears, but this time they're paired with a beaming smile.

'God it's just so perfect'. She pulls you into a tight hug before planting a trail of kisses across your face and neck. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!!'

You cup her face and pull her into a slow and soft kiss.

'Come on, let's explore inside'

The house is just as you'd hoped, airy and spacious but furnished with stylish but cosy décor, a roaring log fire in the centre. As the sun sets and the sky turns to a liquid black, you move out to the balcony with a book. Sighing with contentment, your eyes relax onto the flickers of moonlight sparkling on the water. Lana comes to join you, a bottle of red wine and two glasses in hand. She places the drinks on the side table next to you before draping herself over you, lying her legs across your lap and wrapping her arm around your frame. You nestle into her warmth, focusing on the rhythm of her breathing.

'Cheers to a week away from hell' she smirks, passing you a glass. You clink glasses and take a sip of the velvety red liquid.

'Kind of wish it could be like this all the time. Just us two out here...' she murmurs, leaning her head on your shoulder.

'Hey, I think you've got at least two more chart toppers in you before retiring to the country life'

She laughs softly.

'But seriously though, don't let anyone feel like you have to be writing constantly. From this point on you have to promise me to put yourself before the industry. You nearly burnt yourself out this tour'

'There's just so many people whose happiness relies on my work' she looks down at her wine glass, swirling the red liquid tentatively.

'Babe, but that doesn't mean you're responsible for them. You're not a machine, as much as your label wants you to be'

Lana leans her head back to the sky, and you look up with her. Glittering white channels of the Milky Way lace the sky like veins. You both enjoy the quiet magic of the view for a moment.

'I never see stars like this in LA.' You say.

'I know...does kind of make our lives seem pretty inconsequential.'

You turn back to those deep, glassy eyes. Lana brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, her hand lingering on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You inch closer you her face, feeling soft breath before your lips meet. She opens her mouth slightly and you deepen the kiss, your hands moving to her waist as hers remain at the back of your neck. Your eyes are closed but you're still seeing stars.

She pulls away slowly and you open your eyes to her delicate smile.

'As long as you're with me in this journey, I'll be okay'


Edit: lmk if anyone wants this continued into something more substantial! 

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