John Smith

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     "You know John Smith was a rapist?" I ignored him. I hadn't been able to escape their taunts throughout the entire field trip. At least in class the teacher didn't let us talk often, so I didn't have to deal with them too much.

     "I'm talking to you, polygamist." I rolled my eyes and faced away from them. Why can't they leave me alone? I've never done anything to them. They were nice to me until they found out my religion. I don't make fun of them for theirs.

    "Your people hate gays." I cannot control the actions of others. It's unfair to stereotype me based off of people who happen to have something in common with me.

     "You should convert to a real religion." My religion is a real religion. I believe in god the same as everyone else In this Bible Belt town.

     What have I done to make people treat me this way? I feel like an outcast because I have something slightly different about me. Does that make it right to make fun of me?

Not as good as "Drip" but it had a point. In small Bible Belt towns like the one I live in stuff like this happens a lot. People in my classes found out that my family are Mormons. So I now dread going to certain classes in particular. It may seem like jokes to you but it still hurts peoples feelings. No one deserves to get made fun of.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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