90 6 23

(there is a different guard now, since the old guard dies too much)

Guard: idk why or how this game is hard with you dumb NPCs, the old guard is really just a lil nooby....

Bonnie: welp look at the chart kid>>>
{Guard: 0}
{Animatronics: 9999999999........}

Guard: HAH I can beat that >=)... maybe

Foxy: BRING IT mate!

Guard: I sure will

Chica: Is Freddy on?

Bonnie: CHICA!! Ur back sis!!!!

Chica: only if Freddy isn't on.... he's not being nice. 

Foxy: He's not, so we need all the help we can get! There beith a new guard.

Guard: there's no way ur gettin me.. I'm a veteran from the future, a myth of a legend.

Bonnie: ???

Chica: what's that supposed to mean


An hour or two later)

Guard: Chica, staring thru the window won't change the fact that MY DOORS ARE SHUT!

Chica: If I stay here long enough, you'll have to open them dummy.

Foxy: Great job Chica! You might win this round for us mate! Ur such a great companion and friend. :)

Chica: THANKS! :) :) :)

Chica: .......................................................................

Chica: don't be weird

Bonnie: heh

Guard: CRIKEY (*sees Foxy dashing down hallway, jumps to slam the door shut)

Foxy: I'm not gonna bang on the door.... I know that your just gonna keep it closed, scaredy-cat.

Guard: Yep!

Bonnie: your gonna run out of power i reckon

Chica: And we'll be outside waitin for you! =]

Guard: let's see about that, eh?

Foxy: Ok mate, if you say so....

Bonnie: Foxy, you cant go around calling people "mate" all the time, not everyone likes you that way...

Foxy: ... shut up :>

Chica: oof he's gettin toxic this boy is

Bonnie: boy? What did I say earlier about gender?

Foxy: NO I'm not getting toxic >:(

Chica: fine then... if not, then ur lit...

Foxy: what's that supposed to mean

Chica: ooh, it can mean many things

Foxy: like.... U LIKE MEH?

Chica: I have no emotions whatsoever... so no

Foxy: but we r all friends still tho right?

Chica: Right! Somewhat..

Bonnie: YES we r just friends... now can we all get back to harassing this guard? We've wasted enough time already =_=

Foxy: but that means his battery lvl should be dead, right? It was at 20% when I last checked

Guard: lol

Bonnie: if anyone asks what that means, I'm coming after u with my guitar... what time is it Game Host?

It is now 5am

Bonnie: this dude's a hacker... I'm gonna report him


Guard: shut the crap up you stupid game host, we all hate you. Yes, the readers, I'm sure, do too.

Bonnie: READERS?

Foxy: you are just like ur faceless predecessor...

Guard: I'm not hacking you racist bunny

Foxy: Racist?

Bonnie: How was I?

Guard: he called me HACKER!

Chica: ',-,'


So what do you guys think about this chat story so far? I just wanna know, lest I be wasting my time writing...;(

If you do like this, and want more, then please comment PIZZA and I will provide you with more. Is it a Deal?

Freddy: I look much more realistic than that Freddy in the vid.... just my opinion. "/

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