Acquired: Knife!

"Alright, that should be good enough.."

[ f/n ] smiles at the progress she has made, looking down at the tools she was able to make so far. From the distance, she was able to hear some footsteps coming towards her direction so she turns towards the entrance of the cave before tucking away her tools from behind a couple of rocks. She notices the familiar figure again, Tsukasa walking into the cave while carrying a few materials in his hands. He walks up to her and gives her a bowl of berries, [ f/n ]'s eyes widening as she takes the bowl from him and allows himself to take a seat next to her.

"Welcome back, was the travel difficult?"

"No, it wasn't that bad. Are you alright with berries for now? I can catch some fish later for dinner."

"Yes, this can hold me for a while." [ f/n ] smiled at him for a moment before looking down at the raspberries that he had picked. Taking one and eating it, she could only hum and exhale through her nose with relief as she continued to eat. Tsukasa had observed her from the start and he could only smile at the cute interaction as he gathered some wood together to start a fire. After watching the sky shift colors, the sound of the fire cracks were heard as [ f/n ] turns to see and feel the warmth of the fire pit. Eating another berry, she turns to face Tsukasa as he eats his own share of berries as well.

"So..? What happened here..?" Tsukasa looks at her for a moment before facing her as well, adjusting the way he sat. He thinks for a moment before looking into her eyes, and watching her as she patiently waits for him to start.

"Well..let's start with.."

As the fire crackles, Tsukasa did his best to tell how the world came to be and how the stone husks were something that has been keeping them alive for decades. Tsukasa then explained the usage of nitric acid and how it was the main ingredient that helped free both of them together. [ f/n ] continued to listen, finishing her bowl of berries before placing the bowl down next to her. Soon after, Tsukasa then explains his motive on reviving the thriving youth and eliminating the other adults, in hopes that [ f/n ] would understand.

[ f/n ] hums as she breaks down the thought process in her head, Tsukasa observing her as he watches her tap her chin. [ f/n ] then looks up at him, giving him a small smile to which catches him off guard and causes him to blush just the slightest.

"I can see what your vision is. Despite having greedy grown ups ruling the communist system, it would be nice to live in a world without having that."

Tsukasa's eyes widened as he smiles, sitting up straighter as he scoots a bit closer to her. "Then--"

"However, those adults didn't do anything would be like murdering them.." Tsukasa pauses as he continues to look at her, watching her rest her chin on her knees as she continued to speak.

"I'm not sure if I can fully follow you on that but if you need some help then I don't mind helping you out, Shishio-kun." She turns to look at him, allowing another smile to grace her lips as she hovers her hands by the fire to keep herself warm. Tsukasa could only sit back and observe, a sigh escaping his lips as he boldly reaches out and waves his hand against hers. [ f/n ]'s eyes widen as her cheeks flush with a pinkish hue as she quickly looks at him.

"You know, family names don't really matter in this world anymore. I would prefer if you call me 'Tsukasa'." He smiles at her as she quickly looks away with embarrassment, her hand still linked with his. [ f/n ] slightly pouts as she tries her best to defend herself, not being able to meet his eye at the moment.

"I-I know, but y'know--I was just being respectful.."

"Well..thank you for that, I appreciate it. How about we get some rest and find a spot to set our camp tomorrow?"

Lost in the Stone WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora